Murray's mission — Defending Wimbledon champion Andy Murray took on Bulgaria's Grigor Dimitrov in the quarterfinals Wednesday. Andrew Cowie/AFP/Getty Images Royal approval — The Duchess of Cambridge, and her husband Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge, were in attendance in the Royal Box . Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images Dimitrov in driving seat — Dimitrov, ranked 13 in the world, made a fast start and took the opening set 6-1. Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images Fans fear the worst — The home crowd was silenced further when Dimitrov took the second set 7-6 to lead 2-0. Andrew Cowie/AFP/Getty Images Dimitrov delight — Dimitrov held his nerve to win the final set 6-2 and reach the first grand slam semifinal of his career. Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images Misery for Murray — Murray is left to reflect on a disappointing afternoon after being outplayed by Dimitrov. Andrew Yates/AFP/Getty Images Prev Next