Swiss artist Ralfonso creates sculptures driven by the wind. Pictured is "Cube Tower" -- a stainless steel creation at Changchun International Sculpture Park in China. The cubes rotate in different directions on an invisible vertical pole.

"Moving On Up" -- designed for harsh outdoor environments, this piece is made from fiberglass, carbon and Kevlar laminates. The large outdoor version is 5 meters tall and has been exhibited in many different sites including in Russia and the Netherlands.

"Moving On Up," here installed in St Petersburg, Russia. "I just think nowadays it is so much more interesting to have art that changes over time," says Ralfonso. "You're kind of exploring the fourth dimension -- the three dimensions of a sculpture, plus the fourth, which is time and change over time."

"Ad Infinitum" -- the name for this sculpture comes from the idea that it will turn endlessly in the wind. The core of the piece consists of 36 intersecting discs of metal, which represent 360 degrees of freedom. "The "Infinity Center" is designed to look like the mathematical symbol ∞ for Infinity," explains Gschwend on his website. "Due to the intricate design and assembly, the view of it is ever changing, as it rotates simultaneously on multiple axis."

"I am really inspired by nature," Ralfonso explains. "As things move in nature -- whether it's a tree or tall grass, or whether it's a leaf that falls and the motion of it ... I'm fascinated by the best of all designers: Mother Nature."

"Union #2" -- A group of six wind-driven kinetic sculptures unveiled in November 2013 at the in the Central Lake Eola Park commissioned by the City of Orlando, Florida. The sculptures are 7.5 meters tall, made of stainless steel and have programmable LED lights.

"TWIST #1" is 3 meters tall and built from stainless steel.

"ExoCentric Spirits #2" -- Commissioned for an elevator lobby in the Union Square development in Kowloon, Hong Kong, by MTR Limited. This large 48-ring structure was installed in 2007.