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Could disused metro tunnels be transformed into cycle highways?
9:03 PM EST, Wed February 11, 2015
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The London Underline concept from design firm Gensler seeks to transform the city's disused rail tunnels into a network of underground pathways for cyclists and pedestrians beneath the streets of the British capital.
Courtesy Gensler
The idea snagged the award for best conceptual project at the London Planning Awards last week.
Courtesy gensler
A number of old tube stations and tunnels currently lie dormant. However, Transport For London suggest there may not be enough to create an extensive cycle network.
Oli Scarff/Getty Images
The London Underground network is one of the oldest in the world.
Dan Calliste/getty images/file
Stations were used as bomb shelters during World War II when the city was regularly targeted by German bombers.
Getty Images/File
In more recent times, disused tunnels have been transformed to host the likes of hydroponic farms.