Your favorite sport tells a lot about you, according to new research ...
Charlie Crowhurst/Getty Images
Cyclist —
According to a study by Mindlab, cyclists are the most calm and laid back, as well as being the most materialistic.
Bryn Lennon/Getty Images/file
Runner —
Most likely to be extroverts, runners apparently love being the center of attention, and are partial to lively upbeat music.
PETER MUHLY/AFP/Getty Images/file
Yoga —
Listed as one of the least materialistic groups, yoga lovers are very agreeable, conscientious and -- despite exercising bare-footed -- find it easy to put themselves in other people's shoes.
Janel Norton
Walker —
A fan of their own company, trekkers don't like drawing attention to themselves, and are the least materialistic -- no yoga mats or trendy leggings required here.
Paul Gilham/Getty Images for Reebok/file
Gym —
One of the happiest types, at the gym you'll find extroverted and highly emotionally stable people.
BERTRAND GUAY/AFP/Getty Images/file
Swimmer —
According to the study, swimmers are not only happy, tidy and charitable, but they make the best lovers too. Time to check out the local pool...