Star falls —
Dean Potter was a star of the extreme sports world. He passed away after an accident while attempting to fly with a wingsuit at Yosemite. His body, along with that of Graham Hunt, was found on Sunday May 17.

From a great height —
BASE jumpers practice their sport from fixed points like skyscrapers, mountains or bridges. BASE stands for building, antenna, span and Earth.

Off we go —
BASE jumpers use some of the most iconic buildings in the world for their leaps, as well as more natural points of flight such as cliffs and mountains.

The buzz —
Extreme sports such as BASE jumping allow those taking part to experience a rush of adrenaline like any other, according to those brave enough to try.

No fear —
BASE jumpers leap from lower heights than skydivers, which gives a more powerful adrenaline rush. They activate their parachute in a bid to ensure a safe landing.

No limits —
Here five Norwegians freefall from what was Thailand's tallest building in 2000.

Flying Felix —
World-renowned BASE jumper Felix Baumgartner became the first skydiver to go faster than the speed of sound, reaching a maximum velocity of 1,342 kph. His jump from 128,100 feet (39 km) above New Mexico, smashed the record for the highest ever freefall.