Students at Chief Jimmy Bruneau School, Behchoko play on the best outdoor surface the school has. The ground is under ice for more than half of the year, so grass fields are difficult to maintain.

An aerial view of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories -- home to slightly fewer people than attended the U.S. vs. Colombia game in Edmonton.

Yellowknife's 22 players were invited to become World Cup mascots by FIFA after the club bought a block of tickets to watch the game. "I was jealous," admitted coach Joe Acorn.

Players from Yellowknife Bay Soccer Club stand with members of the U.S. national team before a crowd of almost 20,000 at the World Cup in Edmonton.

Tarun Budgell (left) and Mina Lockhart, two young Yellowknife football players who walked out with the U.S. and Colombian teams at the Women's World Cup. "The shoes we got are awesome," Tarun observed.

Twenty students from the Northwest Territories hamlet of Fort Liard sat in this school bus for almost 1,000 miles, in temperatures below -30C, to reach a tournament in Edmonton.

Lori Lindsey, former U.S. national footballer, speaks to young players at Chief Jimmy Bruneau Regional High School in Behchoko, Northwest Territories.

Lindsey signs balls for students at Deh Gah School in Fort Providence, a community of 700 people three hours' drive to the south-west of Yellowknife. "Communities revolve around soccer here," observed Lindsey.

Fort Liard players sign commemorative jerseys, to be mounted on the walls of their school, following victory at a tournament in the neighboring town of Fort Simpson, almost 200 miles north.

Team photo -- players from the communities of Fort Liard and Behchoko pose with the flag of Fort Liard at the Polar Cup.

The entrance to Fort Liard's gym -- for most of the year, the only football facility for two hundred miles.

Fort Liard's main street on a December afternoon.