Chess Grandmasters Hikaru Nakamura (R) plays Rustam Kasimdzhanov in the World Chess London Grand Prix. Nakamura is currently the world No. 3 and became a chess grandmaster at the age of 15.
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Sake is a Japanese wine made by fermenting rice. "I've found for playing, that it's generally not a good thing to be drinking," Nakamura says. "I will say there have been occasional times -- not when I'm playing, but when I'm studying -- that I have found a little bit of alcohol has been good for the creative process."
Sergi Alexander/Getty Images North America
American chessplayer Bobby Fischer is considered one of the greatest of all time. His 1972 World Championship win against Boris Spassky has been dubbed "The Match of the Century." After the match, Fischer didn't play publicly for almost 20 years.
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Garry Kasparov is widely acknowledged as the greatest chess player of all time. Since his retirement in 2005, he has gone on to become an author and political activist.
Garry Kasparov
Kasparov defeated Anatoly Karpov in 1985 to become the youngest ever World Chess Champions at the age of 22. Karpov had been world champion for a decade, stretching back to 1975.
Deep Blue -- a chess-playing computer developed by IBM -- became the first piece of artificial intelligence to win both a chess game and a chess match against a reigning world champion, beating Kasparov in May 1997. Kasparov accused IBM of cheating and demanded a rematch, which IBM turned down and instead chose to retire Deep Blue.
The current chess world champion is Magnus Carlsen of Norway. The 24-year-old and world No. 1 holds the highest peak rating (2882) in history.