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Riches of a Bronze Age warrior-king’s tomb
12:19 PM EDT, Tue October 27, 2015
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Four solid-gold rings were found in the tomb -- more than have been found at any single burial site elsewhere in Greece, according to the archaeologists. This one depicts a Cretan bull running scene.
Jennifer Stephens
This 30-inch necklace, with two gold pendants decorated with ivy leaves, was found near the neck of the warrior-king's skeleton. "Nothing like this has ever been found," said Jack Davis, co-leader of the University of Cincinnati team which discovered the site.
Jennifer Stephens
More than 40 intricately-designed seal stones from the more advanced Minoan culture on the nearby island of Crete were found in the tomb. Long-horned bulls and sometimes, human bull jumpers soaring over their horns, are a common motif in Minoan designs.
Jennifer Stephens
One of six ivory combs found in the tomb. The discovery challenges some older ideas around gender, said excavation team co-leader Sharon Stocker; when combs or mirrors were found in tombs where multiple people were buried, it was assumed they belonged to the women.
Jennifer Stephens
A bronze mirror with an ivory handle. Greece's general secretary of the Ministry of Culture Maria Vlazaki said it was "extremely rare for an unlooted tomb of such great significance to be unearthed."
Jennifer Stephens
Sharon Stocker with the 3,500 year-old skull found in the warrior-king's tomb. "We have no idea of the identity of this man," she said, other than he was important and rich. "We are looking at a period in Greece where people where usually buried with ceramic objects but this man was so rich that there were no ceramics. He was buried with bronze, silver and gold."