Residents gather around a destroyed car reportedly hit by a drone strike near the town of Ahmad Wal, Pakistan, on Saturday, May 21. Afghan Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour was believed to be traveling in the vehicle. Sources within al Qaeda and the Taliban, reached through an intermediary by CNN, confirmed Mansour's death on Sunday, May 22.
AFP/Getty Images
An unidentified body lies covered on the ground before being loaded into a waiting ambulance May 21.
AFP/Getty Images
Wreckage remains a day later from reported the drone strike near Ahmad Wal.
Barkat Tareen/Anadolu/Getty Images
Coffins of two people, one believed to contain the body of the Taliban leader, arrive at the morgue in Quetta, Pakistan, on May 22.
Mazhar Chandio/Anadolu/Getty Images
Pakistani security officials and hospital staff oversee two bodies at the Quetta morgue on May 22.