Lake, a 6-month-old Weimaraner, found herself in a sticky situation.
She’d plucked a half-empty bottle of Gorilla Glue from the trash and gave it a little taste.
The events that followed were a bit unexpected.

“I didn’t think anything of it,” said Oklahoma City resident, and Lake’s person, Krystal Wilson. “Until that night when she started vomiting.”
After Googling “what happens when you swallow Super Glue” with no luck, she called Dr. Leonardo Baez of Midtown Vets.
“I could feel a mass about the size of a grapefruit,” Baez said.
Lake needed surgery ASAP.

Obviously, Wilson was scared. “We were freaking out,” she said.
The surgery took about two hours, and what Baez ended up pulling out of Lake’s stomach looked like a gruesome science experiment.
“We were able to extract a perfect mold of her stomach,” Baez said.
“Inside the mold, there were bits of the bottle and grass.”
Um, ew.
Baez said Lake was back to normal within a matter of a few hours, tail wags and all.
Moral of the story: Keep super glue out of the reach of kids and pets.

“If you don’t get in there quickly, the organ could tear,” Baez said. “It’s truly an emergency.”
Baez says he worries about kids getting hold of the stuff.
“It’s sweet,” he said, but “don’t try it.”
Lake’s story was first reported by CNN affiliate KFOR.