Will Greenwood, who won the Rugby World Cup with England in 2013, traveled to the North Pole in April in memory of his son Freddie, who was born at 22 weeks and lived for just 45 seconds.

Greenwood and his group are hoping to raise £750,000 in total towards the charity Borne, which is battling to cut out pre-term births.

Greenwood describes his son's death 15 years ago as the "darkest of times."

But he reveled in something good having come out of it, with the funds raised from this trip and a previous hike up Mount Kilimanjaro helping the charity.

Greenwood hates the cold and was also scared of encountering polar bears and broken ice on the expedition.

He was aided by Special Forces soldiers and others in the team to have previously been affected by pre-term birth.

Now he jokes he may have to tackle Mount Everest in the nude for his next charity fundraiser.