CNN  — 

Nearly every Democrat in the US House of Representatives have now said they support an impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump.

There are at least 228 House Democrats – according to a CNN count – who publicly stated support for impeachment proceedings, out of 235 members of the Democratic caucus (leaving just seven holdouts). Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan, a former Republican who has since become an independent, has also called for an impeachment investigation, bringing the total number of representatives to 229, or more than half of the 435-member chamber.

The number has taken on renewed significance in recent days as Republicans have called on Democrats to vote to formally open an impeachment investigation into Trump, a step House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has thus far resisted.

A majority of the House would be needed to vote to impeach the President in order to send the process to the Senate. However, CNN’s count includes many Democrats who say they support an impeachment investigation but are still waiting for the results of the probe before deciding whether to finally vote to impeach Trump.

Even if the House could pass the vote, it likely would go nowhere in the Republican-controlled Senate, one of many reasons the issue has been politically divisive among Democrats and a large part of why House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had for months avoided calling Democratic investigations an impeachment inquiry.

There was a surge in support – more than 75 House members in about three days – for launching such an inquiry amid a growing controversy over Trump’s July 25 call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky where he discussed former Vice President Joe Biden.

CNN previously reported that Trump pressed Zelensky to investigate Biden’s son, Hunter, according to a person familiar with the situation, and that call was part of the whistleblower complaint submitted to the Intelligence Community Inspector General, another person familiar with the situation told CNN. Trump has admitted he delayed aid to Ukraine ahead of the call, but has denied doing anything improper.

There has been no evidence of wrongdoing by either Joe or Hunter Biden.

On September 24, Pelosi announced that the House would formally conduct an impeachment investigation. Here’s which members of her party support that move in their own words:

House Democrats who have publicly stated they at least support starting an impeachment inquiry:

1. Rep. David Cicilline of Rhode Island

In advance of former White House counsel Don McGahn declining to show up for the House Judiciary Committee in May, Cicilline said the “time has come” for an impeachment inquiry.

“The White House and the President have attempted to impede our ability to get to the truth … we have a responsibility at some point to open up an inquiry if this kind of obstruction, interference and stonewalling continues,” Cicilline told reporters.

2. Rep. Ted Lieu of California

Lieu spoke on CNN in May and said that while he didn’t support full impeachment, he was among those Democrats supporting starting an impeachment inquiry.

“Let me just be very clear,” Lieu told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. “Democrats are not saying impeachment. What I’m saying and what some others are saying is an impeachment inquiry, which is, we have to start these investigations to see if we should do impeachment.”

When Blitzer followed to clarify if Lieu supported “beginning impeachment procedures” but not full impeachment, Lieu responded “That is correct. Because we need to build a record in these committees.”

3. Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington

Jayapal spoke on CNN in May and tweeted, “I joined @wolfblitzer to discuss how @HouseJudiciary will hold this President and his administration accountable. Judge Mehta’s decision was important - but we still have to do our jobs and uphold the Constitution. For me, that means pursuing an impeachment inquiry.”

4. Rep. Veronica Escobar of Texas

Escobar was among lawmakers who pushed in May for Pelosi and Nadler to take a more aggressive stance than they’re currently taking and start an impeachment inquiry.

She also tweeted, “I believe we need to begin an impeachment inquiry.”

5. Rep. Val Demings of Florida

Demings told CNN in May that the evidence contained in the Mueller report was sufficient for Democrats to take the next, fateful step.

“I believe it’s pretty clear that the President made numerous attempts to obstruct justice or obstructed justice,” Demings, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “The Lead.”

“And so I believe, based on that information, as I did a month ago, that we have enough to begin those proceedings.”

6. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas

Jackson Lee, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, told reporters in May that she planned to introduce “a resolution of investigation” that will call on the House Judiciary Committee to investigate whether there is “sufficient grounds” to move forward with impeachment.

7. Rep. John Yarmuth of Kentucky

Yarmuth, who is chairman of the House Budget Committee, told reporters in May, “I think it’s time” to begin the proceedings. On CNN, he said he’s not alone.

“I think what we have, John, is we have a situation in which I think a growing majority of our caucus believes that impeachment is going to be inevitable,” Yarmuth told CNN’s John Berman on “New Day.” “But they also believe that we need to pursue the investigations that are going on to make sure that certain conduct of the administration and the President that they need to be held accountable for is discovered.”

8. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee

Cohen, who is a member of the House Judiciary Committee, has long been a proponent of impeachment and introduced articles of impeachment against Trump in November 2017.

“The time has come to make clear to the American people and to this President that his train of injuries to our Constitution must be brought to an end through impeachment,” Cohen said in a statement at the time. “I believe there is evidence that he attempted to obstruct an investigation into Russia’s interference with the U.S. presidential election and links between between Russia and the Trump campaign, most notably the firing of FBI Director James Comey.”

9. Rep. Al Green of Texas

Green was the first House Democrat to formally seek Trump’s impeachment from the House floor in comments he made in May 2017.

“This is about my position. This is about what I believe. And this is where I stand. I will not be moved. The President must be impeached,” Green said at the time. “For those who do not know, impeachment does not mean that the President would be found guilty. It simply means that the House of Representatives will bring charges against the President. It’s similar to an indictment but not quite the same thing.”

10. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York

In a series of tweets, Ocasio-Cortez said that she will be signing on to an impeachment resolution led by fellow freshman Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, following the release of the special counsel Robert Mueller’s report in April.

“Mueller’s report is clear in pointing to Congress’ responsibility in investigating obstruction of justice by the President. It is our job as outlined in Article 1, Sec 2, Clause 5 of the US Constitution. As such, I’ll be signing onto @RashidaTlaib’s impeachment resolution,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted on April 18.

11. Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas

Castro, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told CNN in May that it’s time to begin an impeachment inquiry immediately given the White House stonewalling of Congress’ oversight.

12. Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia

Beyer announced in May his support for starting an impeachment inquiry in a statement.

“The time has come for the House of Representatives to open an impeachment inquiry into the conduct of President Trump,” Beyer said. “Endorsing such a course is not easy, and I do not do so lightly, but I believe that the President has left Congress no other option but to pursue it.

13. Rep. Joe Neguse of Colorado

Neguse tweeted last month “The findings detailed in the Special Counsel’s report, and the Administration’s pattern of wholesale obstruction of Congress since the report’s release, make clear that it is time to open an impeachment inquiry.”

14. Rep. Jackie Speier of California

Speier told CNN’s “New Day” in May that she supported starting the impeachment inquiry process.

“I believe that an inquiry into impeachment is required at this time,” Speier said.

15. Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland

Raskin, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, was among the Democrats who asked Pelosi at a meeting in May about pursuing an impeachment inquiry.

Raskin told CNN the following day, “I would totally support opening an impeachment inquiry at this point.”

16. Rep. Mary Gay Scanlon of Pennsylvania

Scanlon, a member of the Judiciary Committee, tweeted in May that she supported an impeachment inquiry after a text message conversation with her son.

17. Rep. Diana DeGette of Colorado

DeGette released a statement backing an impeachment investigation in April.

“The Mueller report details many instances in which President Trump actively attempted to interfere with the investigation into his campaign’s potentially treasonous ties with Russia,” she stated. “The President’s actions are clearly beneath the high personal, ethical and legal standards our founders envisioned in the executive branch, and, as such, constitute a prima facie case to trigger an impeachment investigation.”

18. Rep. Mark Pocan of Wisconsin

Pocan released a statement supporting starting an impeachment inquiry in May.

“Stonewalling Congress on witnesses and the unredacted Mueller report only enhances the President’s appearance of guilt, and as a result, he has pushed Congress to a point where we must start an impeachment inquiry,” Pocan said.

19. Rep. Earl Blumenauer of Oregon

Blumenauer released a statement in early May backing the start of an impeachment inquiry.

“The Mueller investigation was limited in its capacity to take action and draw conclusions due to Justice Department guidelines,” he wrote. “Yet, it was a treasure trove of information that deserves further investigation, which should be done in the House—the only chamber willing to hold this president accountable. For that reason, I am joining Congresswoman Tlaib in calling for the Judiciary Committee to carry out a formal investigation regarding potential impeachable offenses by Donald Trump.”

20. Rep. Madeleine Dean of Pennsylvania

Dean, a member of the Judiciary Committee, told CNN in an interview in May that she supported starting an impeachment inquiry.

“We can’t just constantly put out lawful subpoena, try to do our constitutional oversight, be stonewalled by an administration that’s just simply trying to cover up bad behaviors, and not change course,” Dean said. “And so what we’ve been trying to do is investigative oversight. I believe at the point you have Barr fail to come forward and produce documents, you have McGahn fail to produce documents and come forward, enough’s enough. It’s time to begin an investigation, an inquiry, as to impeachment.”

21. Rep. Dwight Evans of Pennsylvania

Evans has openly supported steps toward impeachment since Trump’s first year in office. In December 2017, he released a statement explaining his vote not to table a House resolution calling for impeachment.

“After being in Congress for over a year and observing President Trump’s questionable actions I strongly believe there should at least be a discussion about whether or not President Trump’s actions met the bar of impeachment,” Evans stated.

In February 2018, Evans was co-host of an event on the “Party to Impeach” tour with billionaire Tom Steyer, who has long publicly advocated impeaching Trump.

“The President is not above the Constitution,” Evans told Philly Magazine at the time. “He needs to be held accountable. My constituents have raised serious concerns about the President’s actions.”

22. Rep. Jared Huffman of California

Huffman signed on to efforts to start impeachment proceedings in December 2017.

“Impeachment is an extraordinary measure, but it should be clear to anyone who examines the facts that President Trump’s actions justify his impeachment, including his efforts to obstruct justice, his self-enrichment and serial violations of the Emoluments Clause, and his involvement in a cover-up stemming from his campaign’s very likely collusion with Russian interests to undermine the 2016 presidential election,” Huffman said in a statement at the time.

23. Rep. Seth Moulton of Massachusetts

Moulton, who is running for the Democratic nomination for president, said earlier this year that he supported moving forward with impeachment proceedings.

“I voted on this a over a year ago, and I said that proceedings should move forward,” he told reporters at a campaign stop on April 23 in Manchester, New Hampshire.

Moulton was careful to note “it’s not the right time to vote on impeachment, because we don’t have all the facts in, we don’t even have the full version of the Mueller report, but we absolutely should move forward on the proceedings, so we can have this debate in Congress, and frankly I think it’s long overdue.”

24. Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota

Omar has called for some form of impeachment proceedings against Trump since before she was sworn in to Congress in January.

“We know that this President, this administration every day has gone a little bit closer to being impeached. … We won’t be having these conversations on whether to do it, but it’s going to be when and how,” Omar told CNN in December.

More recently she’s signed petitions to start impeachment proceedings, as well as signing on to Tlaib’s impeachment resolution in April.

25. Rep. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts

Pressley was among those lawmakers who signed on to Tlaib’s impeachment resolution following the release of the redacted Mueller report.

“That resolution will come before a vote before the Congress and it asks that, dependent on that vote, that we follow up procedurally in committee,” Pressley told Boston Public Radio on April 19. “I mean here’s the thing — I have felt for a long time that this administration has lost all moral authority and there are many impeachable offenses.”

26. Rep. Kathleen Rice of New York

Rice tweeted in April that Congress should start impeachment proceedings.

“For over two years the President has systematically dismantled our democracy and defied the rule of law. This cannot stand,” she tweeted. “Congress has a moral obligation to put our politics aside and take action. We need to start impeachment proceedings.”

27. Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan

On the night of her swearing in in Congress, Tlaib made headlines when she told a crowd: “We’re going to impeach the motherf****r.” She’s since authored her own resolution to start impeachment proceedings.

28. Rep. Filemon Vela of Texas

Vela tweeted in August 2018 that “we must impeach crooked Donnie,” following news of a guilty verdict for Trump’s former campaign chairman Paul Manafort.

Vela also signed on to Tlaib’s impeachment resolution on April 30.

29. Rep. Maxine Waters of California

Waters, the chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, has long called for starting the process of impeachment for the President.

“When are the people of this country going to wake up to the fact that this president is a disgusting liar, documented to have lied over 8,000 times in 2 yrs? Add to that his recent, blatant lies on our nation’s intel chiefs’ testimony in the US Senate. Past time for impeachment!” she tweeted in January.

30. Rep. Brad Sherman of California

Sherman was among the earliest advocates for impeachment, signing on to a resolution with Green in July 2017.

“Recent disclosures by Donald Trump Jr. indicate that Trump’s campaign was eager to receive assistance from Russia,” Sherman said in a statement at the time. “It now seems likely that the President had something to hide when he tried to curtail the investigation of National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and the wider Russian probe. I believe his conversations with, and subsequent firing of, FBI Director James Comey constitute Obstruction of Justice.”

31. Rep. Suzanne Bonamici of Oregon

Bonamici released a statement in May supporting the start of an impeachment inquiry.

“I am gravely concerned about the actions of President Trump and the growing evidence of possible impeachable offenses, including obstruction of justice, committing human rights violations by separating children from their families, and profiting from the presidency,” Bonamici said in the statement. “I’ve said before that impeachment should be an option, but we must approach it deliberately. The time has come.”

32. Rep. Marcia Fudge of Ohio

Fudge has long been a supporter of starting impeachment proceedings against Trump. In November 2017, she joined Cohen’s introduction of articles of impeachment.

“In the nearly 300 days since he was sworn in, it has become evident that President Trump is a clear and present danger to our democracy. It is high time that Congress take a serious look at the President’s actions,” Fudge said in a statement from Cohen’s office. “If those actions are found to be in violation of the Constitution, then the Congress of the United States needs to do the job the American people elected us to do.”

33. Rep. Gwen Moore of Wisconsin

Moore has long said she supports starting impeachment proceedings, telling local reporters in her home district in August 2017, “Yeah, I think so. I think I’m there,” when asked by WISN-12 if she wanted to see Trump impeached.

She also tweeted in August 2017, “My Republican friends, I implore you to work w/ us within our capacity as elected officials to remove @realDonaldTrump as #POTUS. #Impeach45.”

More recently, she tweeted in February that Trump declaring a national emergency to start construction on a border wall would be “grounds for impeachment,” a step Trump later took.

34. Rep. Norma Torres of California

Torres told The Washington Post in April that “I think there is enough evidence in front of us to move forward” on impeachment proceedings and that “if it came up for a vote today, I would vote to impeach this president.”

In a story headlined “How the Mueller report convinced this House Democrat that Trump should be impeached,” Torres said that Congress and Trump are at a “stalemate” and not able to focus on the issues.

“This president took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution, and he’s violated that,” Torres told the Post. “He’s violated the spirit of the law. We need to hold him accountable.”

35. Rep. Juan Vargas of California

Vargas told the NBC affiliate in San Diego in May that “the reality is he broke the law and he should be impeached.”

36. Rep. Danny Davis of Illinois

Davis said in a statement in May, before Mueller’s spoke publicly: “I believe it is time and imperative that the United States House of Representatives begin an impeachment inquiry whether the House of Representatives should impeach Donald John Trump, President of the United States of America. To that end I will be requesting that my name be added as a co-sponsor of H. Res. 257. It is my hope that the House will move forward in as unified and non-partisan manner as possible but will not be dissuaded by purely political opposition.”

37. Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi

Thompson, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, posted on Facebook after Mueller’s remarks in late May, “I support impeachment. The President has egregiously obstructed justice.” His statement also cited Mueller’s comment that “if we had confidence that the President clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so.”

38.Rep. Jim McGovern of Massachusetts

McGovern, chairman of the House Rules Committee, said on Boston radio station WGBH’s podcast in May that he believed it was time to begin an impeachment inquiry: “I believe, quite frankly, that the next step is for the House Judiciary Committee to open an inquiry to formally begin considering whether impeachment is warranted. I think we’re at that point, and I think that to me seems like a logical way to proceed.” He noted that he had backed an impeachment inquiry when the House voted on it in 2017, but said he hadn’t been vocal about doing so in the current Congress until now.

39. Rep. Tom Malinowski of New Jersey

Malinowski explained to the New Jersey Star-Ledger in late May why he supports moving forward with impeachment proceedings:

“Nobody knows what the political impact will be, and therefore it is a risk. But when in doubt, it’s probably best to do the right thing.”

40. Rep. Adriano Espaillat of New York

Espaillat explained to CNN’s Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto why he favors impeachment, saying he felt the threshold for impeachment was met “some time” ago over the emoluments issue.

“We must, as duly elected members of Congress, exercise our duties entrusted by the Constitution of the United States,” he said in late May, the day after Mueller’s public remarks.

41. Rep. Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvania

In an interview in May with CNN’s Kate Bolduan, Boyle said he’s ready to start holding impeachment hearings.

“Given that the special counsel is now officially concluded and is now resigning, I believe that the ball is clearly in our court,” he said. “I’ve called not for a rush to vote on impeachment but the official beginning of impeachment hearings, so that way we can go through what’s in the report. We can further investigate where the report didn’t go.”

42. Rep. Greg Stanton of Arizona

Stanton, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, said in a statement in May: “It is time for the House of Representatives to move to the next stages of holding the President accountable, including the extraordinary step of opening an impeachment inquiry.”

Stanton said, “This is a conclusion I reached only recently, and not one I reached lightly.”

43. Rep. Mike Quigley of Illinois

Quigley, a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told MSNBC in May that he is calling for impeachment proceedings to begin against Trump.

“I notified the speaker’s office today … now asking that we open an inquiry,” he said.

44. Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota

In an interview in May with CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront,” McCollum explained why she is in favor of impeachment.

“We have every right to get to the truth because the President is not above the law, so we need to be able to do our work,” McCollum said, adding, “That is why many of us are saying that we have to look at impeachment because (Trump) has snubbed his nose at Congress being able to do its job to the regular subpoena power.”

45. Rep. G.K. Butterfield of North Carolina

“The evidence that has been produced so far is sufficient in my opinion to support an impeachment inquiry and impeachment and removal,” Butterfield told McClatchy in May. “I am prepared to vote for an impeachment inquiry … and I will vote for impeachment and removal.”

46. Rep. Mark DeSaulnier of California

DeSaulnier put out a statement late in late May after Mueller’s public remarks, saying, “Congress must do its job, which includes overriding the DOJ policy that protects the president under any circumstance, and beginning an impeachment inquiry.”

47. Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona

Grijalva tweeted last month after Mueller’s statement: “President Trump is not exonerated, and his administration is deliberately misleading the American people about the findings of the Special Counsel. If this isn’t a reason for an #ImpeachmentInquiryNow, I don’t know what is.”

48. Rep. Cedric Richmond of Louisiana

Richmond, a member of the House Judiciary Committee and a former chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, supports starting an impeachment inquiry, the lawmaker’s congressional office confirmed to CNN in May.

49. Rep. Alan Lowenthal of California

Lowenthal tweeted last month, “Special Counsel Mueller’s statement yesterday highlighted what was clear in his report. Our democracy was attacked by a foreign power, and there is evidence that the president obstructed justice. Congress must hold him accountable. I believe the time has come to consider an impeachment inquiry.”

50. Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois

Rush believes that Trump should be impeached, his office told CNN in May.

“Congress has a responsibility to protect the Constitutional foundation of our government with respect for the laws of this great nation. We must not forget that no one is above the law. Otherwise, we are destined to be a nation of well-intentioned individuals instead of law-abiding citizens,” Rush said in a statement.

51. Rep. Barbara Lee of California

Lee is a cosponsor of Tlaib’s impeachment inquiry resolution.

52. Rep. Alma Adams of North Carolina

Adams released a statement in late May: “The President has demonstrated a clear disregard for the rule of law and he must be held accountable. Impeachment is not off the table. However, before we move forward the American people deserve all the facts. That is why I support an impeachment inquiry. Congress has a sacred responsibility to obtain the information necessary to determine the next steps.”

53. Rep. Yvette Clarke of New York

Clarke tweeted in May: “We have to remove @realDonaldTrump from the White House as soon as possible. #Impeach45”

54. Rep. Tim Ryan of Ohio

Ryan, who’s running for the Democratic presidential nomination, said at a CNN town hall in early June that it was time “to move forward with the impeachment process.”

“I have read the Mueller Report, and I believe he obstructed on multiple occasions,” he added. “We have a responsibility. I don’t want to, I know what this is going to do to the country. I take no joy in this at all. But I have a duty and a responsibility and that duty and responsibility has led me to think that we have to do this.”

55. Rep. Chellie Pingree of Maine

Pingree tweeted in late May: “The Mueller Report and the Special Counsel’s statement was a turning point. It’s time for Congress to begin an impeachment inquiry.”

56. Rep. Nanette Barragán of California

Barragán said in a statement in June: “Robert Mueller made clear that he did not exonerate the President and it is up to Congress to hold the President accountable through oversight and impeachment. Given the Special Counsel’s report, his statement last week and the President’s ongoing efforts to block any oversight and investigation by Congress, I support an impeachment inquiry. No one is above the law and Congress has a constitutional duty to act.”

57. Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas

Doggett’s office confirmed in a June 3 statement from the lawmaker to CNN that the Texas Democrat supports starting an impeachment inquiry.

“What Mueller thought he could not do, Congress can no longer avoid,” Doggett said in the statement.

58. Rep. Paul Tonko of New York

On June 3, Tonko sent a series of tweets explaining why he supported starting an impeachment inquiry.

“After careful review of the evidence and testimony currently available, and in service to my oath, it is my judgment that Congress needs to accept the baton being handed to us by now former Special Counsel Mueller … and open an impeachment inquiry to more fully assess the Constitutional implications of seemingly criminal actions by the President and his campaign, and to determine whether formal impeachment charges need to be filed,” Tonko wrote in two of those tweets.

59. Rep. Jesús “Chuy” García of Illinois

García’s office released a statement in late May announcing his support for starting an impeachment inquiry.

“After careful deliberation, I have concluded that the House of Representatives must begin a formal impeachment inquiry to fulfill our constitutionally mandated responsibility to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” García said.

60. Rep. Brenda Lawrence of Michigan

“It is past sad, it is past frustration. This is criminal. It is criminal. And we need to hold this President accountable,” Lawrence told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront” in mid-June in response to Trump saying he would accept dirt on political rivals from foreign governments and wouldn’t necessarily report the contacts to the FBI.

“You know, we’ve been talking about impeachment. Few people understand that if we impeach him – and I feel that we should begin that process – if we impeach him, he still is sitting in the White House because the Senate has to act,” Lawrence said.

61. Rep. Eric Swalwell of California

Swalwell, who is among the Democratic House members running for president, called for an impeachment inquiry to be opened on June 13, following comments Trump made about being willing to accept damaging information on a political opponent from a foreign actor and not report it to the FBI.

“Impeachment is the most extraordinary remedy the Constitution affords Congress,” Swalwell told reporters. “As a former prosecutor, I do not take this lightly. But the President continues to put his own interests above America’s. He is lawless. His relentless attacks on our rule of law and numerous efforts to obstruct justice and Congress have reached such a point to require extraordinary action. It’s time for Congress to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.”

62. Rep. Dan Kildee of Michigan

Kildee, who is chief deputy whip of the House Democratic Caucus, said on June 14 that actions described in the Mueller report and the administration’s stonewalling of congressional oversight have led him to “no other choice.”

“I have been reluctant to use the tool of impeachment, and have always viewed impeachment as a tool of last resort,” Kildee said in a statement. “But the President’s actions have taken us to a moment where I believe Congress must open an impeachment inquiry to defend the rule of law.”

63. Rep. Andy Levin of Michigan

Levin tweeted in June that he was backing impeachment after having “watched the Trump administration’s stonewalling of our oversight activities.” Congress’ appeals to the judiciary to enforce subpoenas, he said, “follow a timeline far too slow to meet the needs of the American people for truth and justice.”

“I have concluded that the only way to get to the bottom of Mr. Trump’s activities and inform the public about what we learn is to centralize and expedite the process through one select committee with the focus, power and urgency that come with an impeachment inquiry,” he added in another tweet.

64. Rep. Katie Porter of California

Porter, a freshman Democrat who flipped a Republican district in 2018, tweeted a video in June in which she said she supports opening an impeachment investigation into Trump.

“After weeks of study, deliberation and conversations with Orange County families, I’ve decided to support an impeachment investigation of the President,” Porter said in the video.

65. Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney of New York

In June, Maloney issued a statement through her office calling for the start of an impeachment inquiry and saying the process is “not something that Congress, or our country, can undertake lightly.”

“After carefully reviewing evidence laid out in the Mueller Report, after attending numerous hearings, after listening to the concerns of my constituents, and after doing as much soul-searching as I’ve ever done in my life - it is my inescapable conclusion that the House of Representatives must open an impeachment inquiry against the President of the United States.”

66. Rep. Grace Napolitano of California

Napolitano signed on in June to be a co-sponsor on Tlaib’s resolution to start impeachment proceedings.

67. Rep. Robin Kelly of Illinois

Kelly tweeted her support for an impeachment inquiry in June.

“My office has been getting a lot of calls about impeachment,” she wrote. “I support @HouseDemocrats’ efforts to continue investigations (up to AND including impeachment) while we continue working to enact our bold #ForThePeople agenda.”

68. Rep. Joyce Beatty of Ohio

Beatty tweeted in May that she supported the start of an impeachment inquiry.

“Special Counsel Robert Mueller made crystal clear that Trump was not exonerated – in fact his report concluded the exact opposite,” she wrote. “That is why I support Congress continuing to use our oversight and investigative tools to get to the bottom of any wrongdoing. I ultimately believe this process will lead to an impeachment inquiry, which I would support for the people and to keep America great.”

69. Rep. Brian Higgins of New York

In June, Higgins called for an impeachment inquiry to begin.

“Obstruction of justice is an impeachable offense. The multiple instances of obstruction laid out in the Mueller report necessitate that the House launch an impeachment inquiry,” he said in a statement.

70. Rep. Jan Schakowsky of Illinois

In June, Schakowsky called for the House to begin an impeachment inquiry into the President.

“Today, I am announcing that I believe that the House of Representatives should begin an impeachment inquiry, officially, because President Trump certainly has committed all kinds of offenses that meet the standard of impeachment – high crimes and misdemeanors,” she said in a video posted to Twitter.

71. Rep. Adam Smith of Washington

Smith told CNN in June that he supported starting an impeachment inquiry.

“I’ve called for an impeachment inquiry basically,” Smith told CNN’s Manu Raju. “Look at all the issues raised by the Mueller report: obstruction and even I know he says it’s not there but connections between Trump campaign officials and Russian interference.”

72. Rep. Sean Casten of Illinois

Casten tweeted in June that he supported starting an impeachment inquiry.

“After much thought and careful deliberation, I support opening an impeachment inquiry into the President of the United States,” he tweeted.

73. Rep. Nydia Velázquez of New York

Velázquez, who is the chairwoman of the House Committee on Small Business and a former chairwoman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, announced her position in June a video on her Twitter account.

“As the first Member of Congress to call for a Special Counsel, I’ve been carefully reviewing the Mueller report and listening to my constituents. I have now come to the conclusion that the House has a constitutional responsibility to begin an impeachment inquiry,” she tweeted.

74. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell of Florida

Mucarsel-Powell, a freshman Democrat who sits on the House Judiciary Committee, announced in June that she supported starting an impeachment inquiry.

“This President has engaged in behavior that we have not seen, nor would we have allowed, from the other 44 men who have occupied that office,” she said in her statement. “This is why I support opening an impeachment inquiry into the President.”

75. Rep. Mike Doyle of Pennsylvania

Doyle tweeted his support for an impeachment inquiry in June.

“Congress has the authority to subpoena any information necessary to carry out its oversight responsibilities,” Doyle wrote. “But the Administration refuses to comply with subpoenas and continues to prevent witnesses from testifying. I believe that it’s time to initiate an #Impeachment inquiry.”

76. Rep. Jim Himes of Connecticut

Himes, a senior member of the House Intelligence Committee, called for the start of an impeachment inquiry in June.

“During my career, I have learned that there are moments for calculation, prudence, compromise and the careful weighing of competing interests. And there are moments for clarity and conviction. This is such a moment,” he said in a statement. “The time has come for the House of Representatives to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.”

77. Rep. Jimmy Gomez of California

Gomez has long supported efforts to start impeachment proceedings against Trump, including signing on to a resolution in December 2017.

More recently, Gomez posted to his social media pages in May 2019 that he would like for Congress to start the process.

“We will NOT stand idly by as this administration runs roughshod over the Constitution,” Gomez tweeted. “I have voted TWICE to start debate on articles of impeachment. And I would do it again in a heartbeat.”

78. Rep. Tony Cárdenas of California

Cárdenas announced in June his support for starting an impeachment inquiry.

“After carefully studying the Mueller report and watching how this President instructs current and former officials to ignore Congressional subpoenas and to act unlawfully, Congress has no choice but to open an impeachment inquiry into President Trump,” Cárdenas said in a statement.

79. Rep. William Lacy Clay of Missouri

Clay signed on in June to Tlaib’s impeachment resolution as well as a similar resolution from Reps. Sherman and Green.

“Impeachment is the only constitutionally available remedy that would directly address President Trump’s blatant and repeated attempts to obstruct justice, his repeated lies to Congress and most importantly, his lies to the American people,” Clay said in a Facebook video post on his impeachment position.

80. Rep. Joe Kennedy III of Massachusetts

Kennedy, who delivered the State of the Union rebuttal in 2018 and has previously been dubbed a Democratic “rising star,” announced in a statement on Twitter in late June that he supports impeachment proceedings against Trump.

“I believe it is time for the House to begin impeachment proceedings against the President. This is not a decision I made lightly, nor is it one to celebrate,” Kennedy wrote in the statement. “The Mueller report makes painfully clear that our President obstructed justice on multiple occasions. If we fail to hold him to account, we fail the American public and the democratic system we represent in their name.”

81. Rep. Ruben Gallego of Arizona

Gallego announced his position in a House floor speech on July 11.

“As a Marine and as a member of Congress, I swore to protect the Constitution, and I will not stand by as Donald Trump erodes the rule of law and our democracy,” Gallego said. “It’s time for Congress to launch an impeachment investigation against President Trump.”

82. Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jerseys

Watson Coleman tweeted her announcement on July 11.

“The President has shown a disregard not only for Congress’s oversight powers, but disregard for the rulings of the Supreme Court,” she tweeted. “I promised to fight for my constituents and that’s why I’m calling for an #ImpeachmentInquiryNow. Keep speaking up, keep standing up, keep showing up.”

83. Rep. Ann Kirkpatrick of Arizona

“Now we have no choice but to open an impeachment inquiry,” Kirkpatrick said in a House floor speech in July. “This should not be a partisan fight or a debate about election strategy. It’s about the rule of law. I know impeachment is risky, but allowing this President to defy the law is even more risky. If we don’t act now, our democracy may be threatened for years to come.”

84. Rep. Donald Norcross of New Jersey

“I remain in favor of the impeachment process,” Norcross tweeted in June. “The future of our country is at stake. No one is above the law.”

85. Rep. Harley Rouda of California

Rouda told Politico in June that supporting the impeachment process was “not difficult at all.”

A spokesperson for the congressman confirmed to CNN in July that Rouda supported an impeachment inquiry. Spokesman Zach Helder said that Rouda has “stated that if the White House did not show a good faith effort to comply with Congressional subpoenas by July 1, than he would support an effort to open an impeachment inquiry on that basis were it to be considered by the House.”

86. Rep. Scott Peters of California

In late June, Peters cited both the Mueller report and Amash’s comments in a lengthy thread on Twitter explaining why he supports an impeachment inquiry.

“And now we are assigned another solemn task by the Constitution and by current events,” he wrote. “We need to begin impeachment hearings.”

87. Rep. Peter Welch of Vermont

Welch, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, tweeted on July 18, that “I have concluded that President Donald Trump should be impeached.”

“His presidency has wrought an unprecedented and unrelenting assault on the pillars and the guardrails of our democracy, including the rule of law on which the country was founded,” Welch wrote in his statement.

88. Rep. Bill Pascrell of New Jersey

Pascrell released a statement on July 18 saying “the sitting President has disgraced his office and our nation beyond measure.”

“It is only Congress that can finally hold him to account,” he said in his statement. “We must do this by commencing impeachment hearings of the President.”

89. Rep. Rick Larsen of Washington

Larsen outlined his support for starting an impeachment inquiry in a statement July 18.

“I do not come to this decision lightly,” Larsen said in the statement. “The decision to impeach is one that transcends party and politics. Exercising the authority to impeach is one of the heaviest responsibilities a Member of Congress has.”

90. Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard of California

Roybal-Allard’s office confirmed to CNN on July 23 that the congresswoman supports an impeachment inquiry to determine whether or not there are legal grounds for impeachment.

91. Rep. André Carson of Indiana

Carson’s office confirmed to CNN on July 23 that the congressman supports an impeachment inquiry.

92. Rep. Julia Brownley of California

Brownley released a statement on July 23 calling for the “immediate opening” of an impeachment inquiry.

“This is a pivotal moment in our nation’s history, and I believe President Trump presents an existential threat to our democracy,” Brownley said. “Congress was given the obligation to consider impeachment, when necessary, as a foundational cornerstone of this great democratic experiment, and I believe we cannot wait another day before we exercise our duty and uphold our oath.”

93. Rep. Lori Trahan of Massachusetts

Trahan announced her support for an impeachment inquiry following Mueller’s back-to-back public hearings July 24.

“I believe it is time to begin an impeachment inquiry against President Trump,” Trahan said in a statement. “This is not a decision I came to lightly. As a staffer during the Clinton impeachment, I’ve seen firsthand how disruptive this process can be for our nation. But no President – including this one – is above the law.

94. Rep. Peter DeFazio of Oregon

DeFazio announced his support for starting an impeachment inquiry the day after Mueller testified on Capitol Hill.

“I believe that the time has come for the Judiciary Committee to open a formal impeachment inquiry and collect the evidence necessary to build a strong case against President Trump,” DeFazio said in a statement. “His presidency is a danger to our national security and a threat to our democracy.”

95. Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester of Delaware

Blunt Rochester cited the Mueller investigation as to why she now supported the start of an impeachment inquiry, in her July 25 announcement.

“While I believe we must continue pursuing oversight through the six committees of jurisdiction in the House while also pursuing the facts in the courts, I believe opening an impeachment inquiry gives us firmer legal ground on which to stand,” she said in a statement. “An impeachment inquiry also gives the American people the opportunity to more clearly understand the conduct of this President and his allies.”

96. Rep. Katherine Clark of Massachusetts

Clark also cited Mueller’s testimony in her statement announcing her support for an impeachment inquiry on July 25.

“An impeachment inquiry is a process, not an outcome, but I fear there is no amount of wrongdoing that we could uncover that would convince Senate Republicans to hold the President accountable,” Clark said. “Regardless of the outcome, I believe we have a patriotic duty to uncover the facts for the American people and uphold the rule of law.”

97. Rep. Mike Levin of California

Levin tweeted in July that he can’t ignore the “corruption and obstruction we witness every day from President Trump.”

“I must now support an impeachment inquiry in order to get the truth for my constituents,” Levin said in a video. “I do not take this decision lightly – quite the opposite. Moreover, given the current political climate, it may prove impossible to impeach the president regardless of what a House inquiry reveals. But it remains my responsibly to do what I can to protect the rule of law and defend the Constitution.”

98. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster of New Hampshire

Kuster announced her support for an impeachment inquiry on July 26, two days after Mueller testified before Congress.

“Given the special counsel’s testimony, and the evidence outlined in his report, I support the House of Representatives opening a formal inquiry,” Kuster said in a statement, adding, “I have not prejudged the outcome. I believe in the integrity of the process & that it’s my duty under the Constitution to ensure nobody is above the law.”

99. Rep. Doris Matsui of California

Matsui told The Washington Post in a statement on July 18 that she supported an inquiry.

“With six on-going investigations, Congress is working to complete the work Special Counsel Robert Mueller started. An impeachment inquiry is a critical stage in that process, and we need to determine the truth.”

100. Rep. John Garamendi of California

Garamendi told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer in an interview on July 23 that he supports an impeachment inquiry.

“That is in preparation so that we know all the information necessary that would be in an impeachment resolution,” Garamendi said, adding, “This is a very important step, moves uss forward, gives us critically important information.”

After Mueller’s testimony, Garamendi told CNN on July 25 that if the House doesn’t move forward with impeachment proceedings, “the risk is that we have abandoned our responsibility.”

101. Rep. Chris Pappas of New Hampshire

Pappas announced his support for an impeachment inquiry in a press release on July 26, calling it an “imperative step.”

“After weeks of careful consideration and after countless conversations with my constituents, I believe it is imperative that Congress continues its oversight work by opening an impeachment inquiry,” Pappas said. “We must allow the facts to come to light in an open and transparent manner, and the relevant committees in Congress must continue to gather information, call witnesses, and respond to the questions Special Counsel Mueller was precluded from answering.”

102. Rep. Denny Heck of Washington

Heck announced his support for an impeachment inquiry in a press release on July 28, after “considerable reflection and prayerful consideration.”

“I support initiation of an impeachment inquiry by the House Judiciary Committee and will support measures to accomplish this when Congress returns to Washington, D.C.,” Heck said in a statement.

103. Rep. Derek Kilmer of Washington

Kilmer declared his support for starting an impeachment inquiry into Trump in a news release on July 28, citing concerns over “incidents of obstruction and of foreign interference” from the Mueller report being “dismissed based on politics, party biases, or the fear of some predicted outcome.”

“The rule of law needs to mean something. The integrity of our democracy needs to mean something. With that clear focus, I support the House of Representatives beginning an impeachment inquiry,” Kilmer said.

104. Rep. Kim Schrier of Washington

Schrier formally called for an impeachment inquiry in a news release on July 28, saying her constituents elected her to “uphold the Constitution and protect our national security interests.”

The Democratic lawmaker said former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congress “reinforced just how many lines of inquiry still need to be pursued.”

105. Rep. Suzan DelBene of Washington

DelBene announced her support for an impeachment inquiry in a news release on July 28, calling it a “very sad day.”

“It gives me no pleasure to announce that I am calling for the House of Representatives to begin an impeachment inquiry into the President of the United States,” DelBene said. “I didn’t come to Congress hoping to launch an impeachment inquiry against any President. But it is Congress’ responsibility to give these issues the utmost attention and I believe this is the best way to achieve that goal.”

106. Rep. Dina Titus of Nevada

Titus announced her position in a statement on July 29.

“I’m calling for an impeachment inquiry because of the mounting evidence that Donald Trump has repeatedly broken the law to protect his own interests,” she said in her statement.

107. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver of Missouri

Cleaver made his announcement on July 29, citing Mueller’s report and public testimony as a key part of his decision.

“While I am not ready to support articles of impeachment, I am ready to use the full force of Congress to carry out subpoenas that have stalled in the courts,” Cleaver said in his statement. “That means the opening of an impeachment inquiry.

108. Rep. José E. Serrano of New York

Serrano announced his decision in a statement July 29, also citing Mueller’s findings.

“After much deliberation, I have reached the conclusion that the House of Representatives should open an impeachment inquiry against President Trump,” Serrano said in the statement.

109. Rep. Donald Payne Jr. of New Jersey

Politico reported on July 18 that Payne supports an impeachment inquiry. The congressman’s office confirmed to CNN on July 30 that he does support an inquiry.

110. Rep. Grace Meng of New York

Meng sent a series of tweets July 30 outlining her decision, which included Mueller’s testimony.

“When I was sworn into Congress, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States,” Meng wrote. “In this regard, I believe it is my duty to seek out truth for the sake of my constituents and our nation, and thereby call for an impeachment inquiry.”

111. Rep. Jennifer Wexton of Virginia

Wexton, who defeated an incumbent Republican to win her seat last fall, made her announcement supporting the start of an impeachment inquiry in a statement July 30.

“I did not run for office with the purpose of impeaching the president, but I did take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution,” Wexton said, adding later, “After much deliberation, I believe the time has come for the House of Representatives to assert our constitutional responsibility and begin an impeachment inquiry.”

112. Rep. Eliot Engel of New York

Engel, who is chairman of the influential House Foreign Affairs Committee, became the second major committee chair to back impeachment after Waters.

“The American people want, and deserve, the truth. I believe the House must pursue a formal impeachment inquiry,” Engel said in his July 30 statement.

113. Rep. Jason Crow of Colorado

Crow wrote an op-ed that appeared on Medium explaining his decision on July 30.

“It’s that same pride in our democracy and respect for our Constitution that fuels my support for an impeachment inquiry,” he wrote. “We must complete the work started by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.”

114. Rep. Judy Chu of California

Chu announced her decision in an emailed statement July 31.

“I believe it is time for Congress to open an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump,” Chu said in her statement. “The proceedings must be deliberate and transparent. We have a sacred duty as members of Congress to ensure that nobody is above the law. To do nothing given what we know is unacceptable.”

115. Rep. Nita Lowey of New York

Lowey announced on July 31 that Mueller’s report “shed light on the depths of systemic deception that appears to be second nature for the President and his advisors.”

“The House Judiciary Committee should move forward with an impeachment inquiry,” Lowey said in a statement.

116. Rep. Ted Deutch of Florida

A spokesperson for Deutch’s office told CNN on August 1 that he would vote for an impeachment inquiry.

“While he believes we are already in one, he would support opening one if it required a vote (which he doesn’t believe it does),” the spokesperson said.

This followed an editorial Deutch wrote in the South Florida Sun Sentinel newspaper, which said “the question is no longer whether the House should vote to proceed with a formal impeachment inquiry. The inquiry has already begun.”

117. Rep. Pete Aguilar of California

Aguilar made his announcement in a statement August 1.

“No American is above the law,” he said in the statement. “After careful consideration and conversations with members of my community, I believe it is time for the House to begin proceedings to determine whether the president’s conduct meets the standards of impeachment.”

118. Rep. Salud Carbajal of California

“I believe strongly in bipartisanship. My time in public service—from the Marines to local government to representing the Central Coast in Congress—has been built on the ideal that we can get more done if we work together than we ever could alone. I have worked with my colleagues across the aisle to improve our infrastructure, healthcare, environment and more—this will not change. The question of impeachment goes beyond party. It is about defending our democracy and our Constitution, the bedrock of our nation’s values,” Carbajal said in a statement on August 2. “We cannot ignore this president’s actions, and we cannot let him off the hook because of his title. I was elected to support and defend our Constitution against all threats, foreign and domestic. That is what I will continue to do.”

119. Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia

Connolly cited both the Mueller report as well as Trump’s behavior following the shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and his failure “to heal our country and call us to our better angels,” as part of the reason for announcing his support for starting an impeachment inquiry on August 8.

“But after careful thought and consideration, I believe the time has come for the House of Representatives to begin an impeachment inquiry into President Donald J. Trump,” Connolly said.

120. Rep. Jerry Nadler of New York

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler says that his committee is conducting an investigation that will determine whether to pursue articles of impeachment against the President. He said in July when his committee sued for Mueller’s grand jury information that this probe was “in effect” the same as an impeachment inquiry.

“This is formal impeachment proceedings,” Nadler said of his panel’s investigation in an August interview with CNN’s Erin Burnett.

Nadler has said that he believes the President has committed impeachable offenses, but it’s a separate question whether that means the House should impeach him.

121. Rep. David Price of North Carolina

Price tweeted on August 13 that “I believe that the House of Representatives must move forward with an impeachment inquiry regarding the conduct of President Donald Trump.”

122. Rep. Deb Haaland of New Mexico

Haaland made her announcement about her position in a statement August 14.

“Congress has a constitutional tool to shed light on what this Administration is hiding and to hold the President accountable,” she said. “This isn’t political. There is growing evidence of impeachable offenses and I believe we have a responsibility to defend our Constitution and our Democracy. We must move forward with an impeachment inquiry.”

123. Rep. Anthony Brown of Maryland

Brown tweeted his support for an impeachment inquiry on August 16.

“I fully support the House Judiciary Committee’s formal inquiry into whether to recommend impeachment of President Trump, and I know they will continue to do the hard work to protect our democracy, constitution, and the American people,” the Maryland Democrat wrote on Twitter.

124. Rep. Ben Ray Luján of New Mexico

Luján, a member of House Democratic leadership who is also running for a US Senate seat, made his announcement on August 19.

“I support moving forward with an impeachment inquiry, which will continue to uncover the facts for the American people and hold this president accountable,” Luján said in his statement.

125. Rep. Ro Khanna of California

Khanna said in an August MSNBC interview that he supported Nadler’s committee investigation into the President as an impeachment inquiry.

“I support Nadler. I support the impeachment inquiry,” Khanna said. “I haven`t gone on television calling for it because Nadler has a process, and he has a timeline, and I didn`t want to put pressure on him based on that timeline. He wanted to make sure we filed the court hearing against McGahn. He did that. Now we`re in an inquiry, and I support him on that.”

126. Rep. Lauren Underwood of Illinois

Underwood tweeted a statement on August 20 about her decision to support the Judiciary Committee’s investigation into whether to recommend articles of impeachment.

“I have long stated that I support the impeachment-related investigation by Chairman Nadler and the others being pursued by 5 other committee Chairs – the American people deserve all the facts and full transparency,” Underwood said.

127. Rep. Jim Langevin of Rhode Island

“After careful reflection & interaction with my constituents, I believe we must move forward with an impeachment inquiry in President Trump’s actions,” Langevin tweeted on August 21. “The American people deserve the full truth, and they deserve a President who respects the rule of law.”

128. Rep. Bill Keating of Massachusetts

“The Mueller report reveals several instances of obstruction of justice, certainly enough to move forward with an impeachment investigation,” Keating tweeted on August 22.

129. Rep. Brad Schneider of Illinois

“After months of relentless stonewalling by the Trump administration, I believe it is necessary to elevate the various Congressional investigations of the President to a formal impeachment inquiry as the only way to ensure the American people have a comprehensive understanding of the facts uncovered by Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation and hold the President accountable for his actions,” Schneider said in a statement August 22.

130. Rep. Mark Takano of California

“Today, I am announcing my support for formally launching impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump,” Takano tweeted on August 22. “I cannot ignore the call to defend our institutions, to safeguard our democratic norms, and to stand up for our democracy.”

131. Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois

Krishnamoorthi, a member of the House intelligence and oversight committees, said in a statement that Congress has “now come to a point where we must engage in an investigation to not only expose wrongdoing and prevent it from happening again, but also to determine whether the current President engaged in behavior meriting the beginning of impeachment proceedings.”

132. Rep. David Trone of Maryland

“He has always supported the work of the committees to hold the president accountable and supports House Democrats using every tool at our disposal to do so. This support includes the work of the Judiciary Committee, which is investigating whether to recommend articles of impeachment,” a Trone spokesperson told The Washington Post on August 14.

133. Rep. Bill Foster of Illinois

“I take no pleasure in announcing my support for the House to begin an impeachment inquiry into the President of the United States,” Foster said in an August 28 statement.

134. Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger of Maryland

“He supports the committee’s efforts to investigate whether or not to impeach President Trump, as he supports the four other committees working to hold the Administration accountable,” a Ruppersberger spokeswoman told CNN in an email September 5.

135. Rep. John Sarbanes of Maryland

“I support @HouseJudiciary’s plan to formalize procedures for an impeachment investigation,” Sarbanes tweeted on September 11.

136. Rep. Marcy Kaptur of Ohio

Kaptur put out a statement on September 12 timed to the House Judiciary Committee’s vote to approve a resolution defining the rules of the panel’s impeachment investigation.

“I have long held the belief that we need to hold President Trump and his entire Administration accountable through thorough Congressional investigation by the committees of jurisdiction,” Kaptur said in her statement. “That is why I support the House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler and the Judiciary Committee’s decision to define the scope of their oversight investigation and set the parameters of a formal impeachment inquiry.”

137. Rep. Darren Soto of Florida

Soto tweeted on September 12 that he supported Nadler’s impeachment inquiry.

“Per Chair Nadler, @HouseJudiciary is already in impeachment inquiry,” he tweeted. “I’m supportive as it’s our oversight duties. Trump is accused of obstructing justice, hush money to cover up affairs, & violating Emoluments Clause. I remain open-minded about impeachment.”

138. Rep. Angie Craig of Minnesota

Craig released her statement after Trump on September 22 acknowledged that he discussed former Vice President Joe Biden in a July call with Ukraine’s President.

“We must safeguard our electoral process and our very democracy from outside threats,” Craig stated on September 23. “For this reason, the current investigations into corruption must continue. And when there is an abuse of power of this magnitude, it is our responsibility to stand up for what is right. This is why I am calling to open impeachment proceedings – immediately, fairly, and impartially.”

139. Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan

Dingell tweeted on September 23 that following recent revelations about Trump’s conduct in a July call with Ukraine’s president, she now supported an impeachment inquiry.

“This country is divided. We cannot be divided on the rule of law. As an elected official my oath is to protect national security and the Constitution,” Dingell wrote. “After recent revelations, I support an impeachment inquiry because we must follow the facts and hold the President accountable.”

140. Rep. Gil Cisneros of California

Cisneros and six other Democrats wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on September 23 that if allegations Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden “are true, we believe these actions represent an impeachable offense. We do not arrive at this conclusion lightly, and we call on our colleagues in Congress to consider the use of all congressional authorities available to us, including the power of ‘inherent contempt’ and impeachment hearings, to address these new allegations, find the truth and protect our national security.”

141. Rep. Chrissy Houlahan of Pennsylvania

Houlahan and six other Democrats wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on September 23 that if allegations Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden “are true, we believe these actions represent an impeachable offense. We do not arrive at this conclusion lightly, and we call on our colleagues in Congress to consider the use of all congressional authorities available to us, including the power of ‘inherent contempt’ and impeachment hearings, to address these new allegations, find the truth and protect our national security.”

142. Rep. Elaine Luria of Virginia

Luria and six other Democrats wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on September 23 that if allegations Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden “are true, we believe these actions represent an impeachable offense. We do not arrive at this conclusion lightly, and we call on our colleagues in Congress to consider the use of all congressional authorities available to us, including the power of ‘inherent contempt’ and impeachment hearings, to address these new allegations, find the truth and protect our national security.”

143. Rep. Mikie Sherrill of New Jersey

Sherrill and six other Democrats wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on September 23 that if allegations Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden “are true, we believe these actions represent an impeachable offense. We do not arrive at this conclusion lightly, and we call on our colleagues in Congress to consider the use of all congressional authorities available to us, including the power of ‘inherent contempt’ and impeachment hearings, to address these new allegations, find the truth and protect our national security.”

144. Rep. Elissa Slotkin of Michigan

Slotkin and six other Democrats wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on September 23 that if allegations Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden “are true, we believe these actions represent an impeachable offense. We do not arrive at this conclusion lightly, and we call on our colleagues in Congress to consider the use of all congressional authorities available to us, including the power of ‘inherent contempt’ and impeachment hearings, to address these new allegations, find the truth and protect our national security.”

145. Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia

Spanberger and six other Democrats wrote in a Washington Post op-ed on September 23 that if allegations Trump pressured the Ukrainian president to investigate Joe Biden “are true, we believe these actions represent an impeachable offense. We do not arrive at this conclusion lightly, and we call on our colleagues in Congress to consider the use of all congressional authorities available to us, including the power of ‘inherent contempt’ and impeachment hearings, to address these new allegations, find the truth and protect our national security.”

146. Rep. Antonio Delgado of New York

Delgado became at least the ninth House Democrat to come out in support of impeachment after Trump acknowledged that his discussion in July with Ukraine’s President referenced Biden.

“The first responsibility of the President of the United States is to keep our country safe, but it has become clear that our president has placed his personal interests above the national security of our nation,” Delgado tweeted on September 24. “I believe articles of impeachment are warranted.”

147. Rep. Albio Sires of New Jersey

Sires became at least the tenth House Democrat to come out in support of impeachment after Trump acknowledged that his discussion in July with Ukraine’s President referenced Biden.

“Up until now, I wanted to follow the ongoing congressional investigations to their conclusions and using the facts uncovered to make a decision about impeachment,” Sires said in a statement on September 24. “However, these developments raise the urgency to a new level and I join many of my colleagues, and our constituents, in calling for an impeachment inquiry – we must uphold our oaths to protect the country, even if the President will not.”

148. Rep. Lizzie Fletcher of Texas

“The facts we have learned recently are matters of utmost importance for our national security, country, and Constitution,” Fletcher said in a September 24 statement. “The House should act swiftly to investigate and should be prepared to use the remedy exclusively in its power: impeachment.”

149. Rep. Marc Veasey of Texas

“While we are still gathering the full facts of what occurred between the President and the foreign leader, I believe Congress must act now in the face of our President’s continued dangerous behavior,” Veasey said in a September 24 statement. “No one is above the law — not even the occupant of the highest office—and that is why I support moving forward with an impeachment inquiry.”

150. Rep. Tom Suozzi of New York

“I believe that it is my Constitutional duty and the duty of the United States Congress to move forward with impeachment inquiries,” Suozzi tweeted on September 24.

151. Rep. Hakeem Jeffries of New York

Jeffries tweeted on September 12 following his vote to support the expanded parameters of the House Judiciary Committee’s impeachment inquiry.

“Voted YES,” Jeffries tweeted. “No. One. Is. Above. The. Law.”

152. Rep. A. Donald McEachin of Virginia

Delgado became at least the 14th House Democrat to come out in support of impeachment after Trump acknowledged that his discussion in July with Ukraine’s President referenced Biden.

“When I took the oath of office, I swore to uphold the Constitution and now, I must stand up for what I know is right,” McEachin said in a September 24 statement. “It is clear that the sitting president of the United States has repeatedly violated the law and damaged our democracy.”

153. Rep. John Lewis of Georgia

“We cannot delay. We must not wait. Now is the time to act. I have been patient while we tried every other path and used every other tool,” Lewis said on House floor on September 24. “I believe, I truly believe, the time to begin impeachment proceedings against this president has come. To delay, or to do otherwise, would betray the foundation of our democracy.”

154. Rep. Hank Johnson of Georgia

“President Trump’s recent admission that he discussed with President Zelensky his desire that Ukraine open a corruption investigation against former Vice President Joe Biden is profoundly troubling,” Johnson said in a September 24 statement. “President Trump’s repeated obstruction and flagrant disregard of his oath of office demands the issuance of Articles of Impeachment.”

155. Rep. Katie Hill of California

“I strongly support the House of Representatives moving forward with impeachment proceedings – it is what the Constitution, my constituents, and my conscience demands,” Hill said in a September 24 statement. “If Congress confirms reports of egregious misconduct that threaten the security of our country or undermine faith in our democracy, I will vote to impeach the President.”

156. Rep. Joe Morelle of New York

“The President’s disturbing pattern of unlawful behavior clearly demonstrates that he believes the laws of the United States do not apply to him,” Morelle tweeted on September 24. “That is why I believe it is in our nation’s best interest that the House moves forward with impeachment proceedings.”

157. Rep. Gregory Meeks of New York

“I believe at this moment that the President’s refusal to hand over the whistleblower information is a direct obstruction to the United States Congress of us conducting (oversight of) his great abuse of power,” Meeks told CNN’s Brianna Keilar on “Right Now.” “The only course of action is to go into an impeachment inquiry.”

158. Rep. Lois Frankel of Florida

“Enough is enough,” she tweeted on September 24. “I join Americans calling for impeachment proceedings.”

159. Rep. Charlie Crist of Florida

“President Trump is not above the law. Withholding aid from a sovereign, vulnerable nation in exchange for domestic political gain is a crime. This isn’t partisan,” he tweeted on September 24. “It’s about right vs. wrong. That’s why I’m calling for formal impeachment proceedings to begin immediately.”

160. Rep. Jim Cooper of Tennessee

“It’s time for the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process against President Trump. The President’s invitation to yet another foreign power—this time Ukraine—to undermine U.S. elections requires that Congress begin the process in our Constitution to levy formal charges against him,” he tweeted September 24. “This is a very serious step, but the President’s continuing misconduct requires that Congress uphold our Constitution and the laws of the land. No one, not even the President, is above the law.”

161. Rep. Ami Bera of California

“After reading the Mueller Report and witnessing the President’s actions, it has been clear to me that President Trump has committed impeachable offenses and went to great lengths to commit obstruction of justice on several occasions,” he said in a news release September 24. “Multiple committees with jurisdiction have been conducting important and necessary oversight, including investigating and holding hearings into obstruction, corruption, and abuse of power by President Trump. I have supported the committees’ actions and will continue to do so, including an impeachment inquiry.”

162. Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey

“The reports of a whistleblower complaint clearly call into question the oath the President took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States above political, financial, and personal gain,” he said in a news release on September 24. “The President has done more than enough to meet the legal standards to justify impeachment. It’s time for Congress to exercise its constitutional authority and impeach the President in order to protect the rule of law and our democracy.”

163. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida

“This President’s reckless and habitual disregard for our laws leaves Congress no choice,” she said in a news release on September 24. “Impeachment inquiry hearings must commence immediately. To do otherwise would be a betrayal of our democracy.”

164. Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland

“When the history books are written about this tumultuous era, I want them to show that I was among those in the House of Representatives who stood up to lawlessness and tyranny,” Cummings said in a news release on September 24 supporting impeachment. “If Senate Republicans choose to close their eyes, put party over country, and forego their duty under the Constitution, the history books will show that too.”

165. Rep. Linda Sanchez of California

“Congress and the American people deserve to know whether the President encouraged a foreign country to interfere with the 2020 election,” Sanchez said in a news release on September 24. “If it turns out that he did, I believe that President Trump must be impeached.”

166. Rep. Lou Correa of California

“Today, I stand shoulder to shoulder with Speaker Pelosi and formally announce my support for an impeachment inquiry of the President of the United States,” he said in a news release on September 24. “Congress must act quickly and judiciously to ascertain all the facts about this egregious abuse of power by a sitting President. No one is above the law.”

167. Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida

“This continued insistence on undermining our democracy must be met with the full force and strength possessed by the United States Congress as set forth by our founding fathers in the Constitution, up to and including, Articles of Impeachment,” he said in a news release on September 24.

168. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California

Pelosi, who had long pushed to keep her caucus away from the politically divisive issue of impeachment, announced a formal impeachment inquiry into the President on September 24.

“The actions of the Trump presidency revealed the dishonorable fact of the President’s betrayal of his oath of office, betrayal of our national security and betrayal of the integrity of our elections,” Pelosi said in a brief speech at the Capitol. “Therefore, today, I am announcing the House of Representatives moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry.”

169. Rep. Susan Davis of California

“It is time to open an impeachment inquiry,” she tweeted on September 24. “To not move forward would make Congress complicit in the President’s behavior. President Trump’s actions surrounding Ukraine epitomize his disregard for checks and balances as well as normal practices and protocols.”

170. Rep. David Scott of Georgia

“This Ukraine development weighs very heavily, and is very concerning to me,” he tweeted on September 24. “I believe it is time now to open an inquiry for impeachment. We have to get the facts.”

171. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland

“I fully support Congress moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry. I have grave concerns about the President’s troubling admission that he sought Ukrainian interference in the 2020 election, undermining America’s national security,” he said in a news release on September 24. “As the relevant committees continue their investigations under the umbrella of the impeachment inquiry, we will continue to pursue the facts and follow them wherever they lead – including to articles of impeachment.”

172. House Majority Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina

“This is about protecting our national security, standing up for the rule of law, and patriotism,” he said in a news release on September 24. “I support the official impeachment inquiry announced by the Speaker today.”

173. Rep. Karen Bass of California

“Ever since Trump set foot in the Oval Office, he has been on a mission to rip apart decades of policies that protect civil rights, the environment, public lands and more. He has embarrassed our nation in the eyes of the world with his regular display of ignorance of treaties and historic alliances along with his horrific treatment of families and violation of international laws at our borders,” she said in a statement on September 24. “It is time for a formal impeachment inquiry against this lawless and unstable President.”

174. Rep. Adam Schiff of California

“It’s bad enough Trump sought help from a foreign power in the last election. It’s worse still that he obstructed the investigation into his misconduct. Now he’s admitted using his office to coerce another country to interfere in 2020,” Schiff, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, tweeted on September 24. “I fully support the impeachment inquiry.”

175. Rep. Kathy Castor of Florida

“Trump has violated his oath of office. He operates for himself, in his personal interest – and not in the interest of the American people,” she said in a statement on September 24. “The impeachment inquiry should be put on the fast track and all of the facts made plain.”

176. Rep. John Larson of Connecticut

“I have spoken with Rep. Jim Himes, a senior member of the Intelligence Committee, at length who has underscored the gravity of this situation, which is why at today’s caucus I will be advocating for impeachment proceedings to begin,” Larson said in a statement on September 24.

177. Rep. Jimmy Panetta of California

“I support a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump,” Panetta tweeted on September 24. “This inquiry is about uncovering evidence, seeking the truth, and protecting our national security and the integrity of our democracy.”

178. Rep. TJ Cox of California

“When the President of the United States is putting his personal and political interests ahead of the American people and abusing the Constitution, we have a duty to investigate and follow the facts where they lead,” Cox tweeted on September 24. “An impeachment inquiry will allow us to break through the President’s stonewalling and obstruction and get the answers the American people deserve.”

179. Rep. Joe Courtney of Connecticut

“We are at a critical moment for our nation, involving a ‘credible’ complaint concerning the actions of a sitting president happening in real-time,” he said in a news release on September 24. “That is why I now believe it is time to elevate this process to a formal inquiry on the President and his potential misconduct, and to follow the facts wherever they may lead – which includes the most serious action the House can take under the Constitution: impeachment.”

180. Rep. Jim Costa of California

“I support an official impeachment investigation,” he said in a news release on September 24. “It is paramount the six committees that have jurisdiction continue to investigate whether any high crimes and misdemeanors have been committed by President Trump.”

181. Rep. Cindy Axne of Iowa

“Beyond an abuse of power, allegations that the President threatened to leverage U.S. taxpayer dollars to extort a foreign government, if true, constitute an unequivocal violation of our federal laws and the U.S. Constitution I swore to defend,” she tweeted on September 24. “For the sake of our nat’l security and our democracy, these serious allegations require independent Congressional investigation unobstructed by this Administration. Congress has a responsibility to uphold the rule of law & to take appropriate steps to open an impeachment inquiry.”

182. Rep. Matt Cartwright of Pennsylvania

“We need to get to the bottom of these serious allegations through comprehensive impeachment proceedings and document production,” he tweeted on September 24. “Whether such hearings result in actual impeachment of the president and/or senior cabinet officials remains to be seen.”

183. Rep. Anna Eshoo of California

“I fully support the Speaker’s announcement of a new impeachment inquiry,” she tweeted on September 24. “The circumstances surrounding the President’s phone call with a foreign leader requires it and we are obligated to go wherever the facts lead.”

184. Rep. Bobby Scott of Virginia

“Every Member of Congress swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. I therefore support Speaker Pelosi’s call for a formal impeachment inquiry,” he said in a news release on September 24. “It is the only appropriate course of action given the severity of recent events.”

185. Rep. Richard Neal of Massachusetts

“I strongly back Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s call today for a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump,” he tweeted on September 24. “The American people expect truth and transparency from their government.”

186. Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California

“A formal impeachment inquiry should be undertaken in the House of Representatives,” she said in a news release on September 24. “The President has now admitted that he asked the President of Ukraine to take actions to help his re-election. That conduct alone violates his obligations under the Constitution. These facts pose a threat to our national security.”

187. Rep. Raul Ruiz of California

“I am deeply troubled by the recent reports detailing President Trump’s pressuring of the Ukrainian government to interfere in our elections. The fact that the President himself confirmed these reports adds to the gravity of the situation,” he wrote in a Facebook post on September 24. “This is why, out of respect for our Constitution, concern for our national security, and in the interest of my constituents, I am fully supportive of an official impeachment inquiry.”

188. Rep. Dave Loebsack of Iowa

“I have felt the need to proceed judiciously given the high constitutional requirements of impeachment, but President Trump’s actions and obstruction require this step of establishing an impeachment inquiry,” he said in a news release on September 24. “It is unfortunate that we have ended up at this point.”

189. Abby Finkenauer of Iowa

“I have always supported Congress and our House committees in defending our democracy and Constitution. The impeachment inquiry requested today is needed to continue that work,” she said in a news release on September 24. “It’s imperative we stand up for our country and hold those accountable who hurt our democracy.”

190. Rep. Jahana Hayes of Connecticut

“The actions of this President lead me to no other conclusion than to support formal impeachment proceedings,” she said in a news release on September 24.

191. Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey

“The serious allegations that have surfaced about communication between President Trump and the Ukrainian President put our national security at risk and merit an immediate inquiry,” he tweeted on September 24. “We must let the facts guide our work.”

192. Rep. Jerry McNerney of California

“To fulfill our sworn duty, Congress must move forward with an impeachment inquiry. Brazen lies have been a hallmark of this presidency and it is now time for a reckoning,” he tweeted on September 24.

193. Rep. Haley Stevens of Michigan

“President Trump may have used the power of his office to pressure a foreign head of state for his own personal political gain. If true, these actions represent an impeachable offense,” she tweeted on September 24, also issuing a statement calling for “an impeachment inquiry.”

194. Rep. Sanford Bishop of Georgia

“Members of Congress took an oath before God to uphold the Constitution, not to the President,” he said in a news release on September 24. “It is imperative to our national security, the preservation of the rule of law, and our patriotism that we begin an impeachment inquiry.”

195. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota

“What the President has admitted to already in my estimation is impeachable,” Phillips told CNN’s Erin Burnett on September 24, also calling Pelosi’s announcement an “important step.”

196. Rep. Ed Case of Hawaii

“Together with other claimed breaches and the President’s continued obstruction of Congressional oversight, they fully justify Congress reviewing potential impeachment,” he said in a news release on September 24.

197. Rep. Mike Thompson of California

“The President asking for help on his campaign from a foreign government is against the law with or without a quid pro quo. This is a matter of national security and I fully support Speaker Pelosi’s move to an impeachment inquiry,” Thomson tweeted on September 24.

198. Rep. Stephen Lynch of Massachusetts

“President Trump’s actions, currently undisputed, are an attack on our Democracy, national security and rule of law, and warrant the commencement of formal impeachment proceeding,” Lynch tweeted on September 24.

199. Rep. Andy Kim of New Jersey

Kim said in a statement on September 24, “By urging the Ukrainian government to take action to influence our Democracy, Trump has violated that power and the trust of the American people. If the facts are corroborated, that violation, and my understanding of its implications, has led me to come to the conclusion that the President has committed an impeachable offense.”

200. Rep. Ed Perlmutter of Colorado

“I have and continue to support the impeachment investigation,” Perlmutter tweeted on September 24. “President Trump needs to be held accountable and he will be.”

201. Rep. Susan Wild of Pennsylvania

“Because the House of Representatives has thus far been deprived of its ability to check the Executive in the way our nation’s founders intended, I view such an inquiry as the only way to get all of the facts and establish whether this President did, in fact, leverage the disbursement of foreign aid in exchange for Ukrainian interference in our election.” Wild said in a statement September 24.

202. Rep. Donna Shalala of Florida

“If the Acting Director of National Intelligence chooses to violate the law and not hand over both the report and complaint to Congress, together with any transcripts related to the allegations in the report, I have no other choice but to support beginning an impeachment investigation,” Shalala said in a statement September 24.

203. Rep. Pete Visclosky of Indiana

“I support Speaker Pelosi’s announcement that the U.S. House of Representatives is moving forward with an official impeachment inquiry,” Visclosky wrote in a series of tweets on September 25. “Given the seriousness of the President’s actions, I believe that the Speaker’s announcement is warranted. I await the details of the information gleaned from the current Committee investigations.”

204. Rep. Rosa DeLauro of Connecticut

DeLauro tweeted on September 25, “My full statement reiterating my support for an impeachment inquiry, which is the only recourse Congress has to respond to President Trump’s egregious actions.”

205. Rep. Josh Harder of California

“Last week, we found out that the president himself may have put our national security at risk, invited another foreign government to interfere in our election, and used American tax dollars to further his own political agenda,” Harder said in a September 24 statement. “Anyone willing to sacrifice the national security interests of the United States for their own benefit is unfit to be president. If these allegations are true, it’s time for the House to open impeachment proceedings.”

206. Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York

“Unless the Intelligence Committee immediately receives both the whistleblower complaint, and the recordings of any calls – and they dispel these charges – I am prepared to pursue an impeachment inquiry of the President,” Maloney said in a September 24 statement. “The old Trump song and dance won’t cut it this time.”

207. Rep. Stephanie Murphy of Florida

“The White House’s own memo of the President’s call w/Ukraine confirms the President asked a foreign gov’t to investigate his political opponent. This is an abuse of executive power. I support the House’s ongoing impeachment inquiry to get the facts for the American people,” Murphy said in a tweeted statement on September 25.

208. Rep. Sylvia Garcia of Texas

“Let’s be clear. I’ve never said I’m not for the inquiry. I’ve not made a decision whether to impeach or not,” Garcia told CNN’s Brooke Baldwin on September 25.

She added, ” I’ve been for the impeachment inquiry that we’ve been doing in Judiciary since before the summer break. I was at the press conference with the chairman when we announced it. I’ve been supportive of all the other inquiries.”

209. Rep. Daniel Lipinski of Illinois

“As I’ve said for months, it is imperative that Congress do its job and conduct oversight and, when appropriate, investigations of the Administration. Speaker Pelosi decided to now call this work an ‘impeachment inquiry,’ and I continue to support her actions on this,” Lipinski tweeted on September 25.

210. Rep. Susie Lee of Nevada

In a joint statement with fellow Nevada Democrat Rep. Steven Horsford, Lee endorsed an impeachment inquiry on September 24.

“We were elected to fight against corruption,” the two lawmakers wrote in their statement. “Now, our commitment to root out corruption has forced us to consider the most powerful tool for accountability: that of impeachment.”

211. Rep. Steven Horsford of Nevada

In a joint statement with Lee, Horsford endorsed an impeachment inquiry on September 24.

“We were elected to fight against corruption,” the two lawmakers wrote in their statement. “Now, our commitment to root out corruption has forced us to consider the most powerful tool for accountability: that of impeachment.”

212. Rep. Cheri Bustos of Illinois

“I support the House Intelligence Committee’s search for the truth in this impeachment inquiry,” Bustos said in a statement September 25.

213. Rep. Sharice Davids of Kansas

“After careful deliberation, I’m supporting the House of Representatives taking the first step in an impeachment process, beginning an impeachment inquiry,” Davids tweeted on September 25.

214. Rep. Al Lawson of Florida

“I support a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump,” Lawson said in a statement emailed to CNN on September 25. “The President’s recent admission that he engaged in unlawful conversations with Ukrainian officials is not only embarrassing, but undermines the integrity of our elections, the dignity of the office and threatens our national security. I am truly appreciative of the feedback I have received from my constituents who have contacted my office and voiced their concerns.”

215. Rep. Terri Sewell of Alabama

In a September 24 post on her congressional website labeled “Statement on Impeachment Inquiry,” Sewell said, “This is a sobering moment in our nation’s history, when the rule of law and constitutional duty require Congress to move swiftly to protect our national security and the integrity of our democracy. … The events surrounding the whistleblower complaint are the final straw in a series of troubling and disconcerting actions by President Trump and his administration.”

216. Rep. Frederica Wilson of Florida

Wilson tweeted a video on September 25 outlining her reasons for supporting an impeachment inquiry, saying, “I fully support the House impeachment inquiry.”

217. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez of Texas

“The president, in holding back information required by law, chose to violate the law of our land by subverting the ability of Congress to uphold its constitutional oath. It is my duty as a patriot and as a member of Congress to defend the Constitution, and that is why today I must support the formal impeachment inquiry,” Gonzalez said in a September 25 statement.

218. Rep. Henry Cuellar of Texas

Cuellar said in a statement on September 26, “I agree with Speaker Pelosi that the respective committees in Congress must continue their investigations to see if these allegations are true before we proceed with impeachment. However, no one is above the law and if investigations prove that impeachment is the necessary course of action, then I will be forced to act on impeachment proceedings.”

219. Rep. Colin Allred of Texas

Allred tweeted on September 26, “After reading the contents of both the memo of the President’s call with the President of Ukraine and the whistleblower complaint, I have concluded that a formal impeachment inquiry should begin and investigations must continue in order to protect our national security and uphold the rule of law.”

220. Rep. Tom O’Halleran of Arizona

“Yesterday, I stated my support for the ongoing impeachment inquiry being taken up in the House of Representatives,” O’Halleran said in a statement issued on September 26.

221. Rep. Conor Lamb of Pennsylvania

“I absolutely support Chairman Schiff’s investigation and everything that he’s doing,” Lamb told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on September 26. “The speaker put the ‘impeachment inquiry’ label on that on Monday so that’s what it is.”

222. Rep. Kurt Schrader of Oregon

“After reading the transcript of President Trump’s conversation with the Ukrainian President; hearing President Trump acknowledge the conversation; understanding the illegal obstruction by the DNI for the Intelligence Committee to see the whistleblower report; hearing the concerns of intelligence committee members from both sides of the aisle after viewing the report; seeing the bipartisan, bicameral universal support to make the detailed whistleblower report public to the American people; and finally, reading the complete whistleblower transcript this morning; I feel an impeachment inquiry is indeed justified,” Schrader said in a September 26 statement.

223. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii

Gabbard said in a statement September 27 that “up to this point, I have been opposed to pursuing impeachment,” but cited Trump’s handling of the whistleblower complaint as “a very dangerous precedent.”

“So it is unfortunate, but necessary, that I speak in support of the inquiry into the President’s alleged abuse of power in relation to his interactions with Ukraine’s leaders,” she said in her statement. “This inquiry must be swift, thorough, and narrowly-focused. It cannot be turned into a long, protracted partisan circus that will further divide our country and undermine our democracy.”

224. Lucy McBath of Georgia

“Two weeks ago, I voted to begin the impeachment inquiry because I believe Americans deserve to have ALL the facts,” McBath, a member of the House Judiciary Committee, tweeted on September 25. “Since, National Republicans have come after me, and I need your help to keep this seat.”

225. Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson of Texas

Johnson told a Dallas CBS affiliate in early October that she strongly supports the impeachment inquiry. “I’ve always supported an inquiry,” she said.

226. Rep. Ben McAdams of Utah

“The President’s refusal to further cooperate with congressional oversight, without an impeachment inquiry, is regrettable,” McAdams told the Salt Lake Tribune in comments published on October 4. “We find ourselves today at the point that an (impeachment) inquiry is necessary to get all of the facts on the table.”

227. Rep. Max Rose of New York

Rose made his support of the impeachment inquiry known at a Brooklyn, New York, town hall meeting on October 4. Calling the advent of the inquiry a “sad and tragic day for the United States of America,” Rose said that Trump “brought this moment onto himself. There is no one else to blame but himself. And the startling thing about the last few recent days is the unadulterated deflection and obstruction practiced by this administration.”

228. Rep. Xochitl Torres Small of New Mexico

Small referenced the State Department directing US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland not to testify on October 8 before Congress as part of her overall reasoning for supporting an impeachment inquiry. “Tuesday’s actions by the president and the administration left me with no other way to get the information the country deserves than to support an impeachment inquiry,” Small wrote in an op-ed published on October 10 in the Lac Cruces Sun News.

CORRECTION: This story has been corrected to reflect Raul Grijalva is a US representative of Arizona and to reflect Tom Suozzi is a US representative from New York. A previous version of this story also incorrectly counted and listed a Democratic member twice. This story will continue to update with additional developments.

CNN’s Ashley Killough, Alex Rogers, Sunlen Serfaty, Jeremy Herb, Manu Raju, Lauren Fox, Clare Foran, Eli Watkins, Veronica Stracqualursi, Kate Sullivan, Devan Cole, Ana Cabrera, Paola Chavez, Faris Bseiso, Jamie Ehrlich, Ellie Kaufman, Paul LeBlanc and Chandelis Duster contributed to this report.