US President Joe Biden waves while walking on the South Lawn of the White House after arriving on Marine One in Washington, DC on June 30.

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, a three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here.

Abu Dhabi CNN  — 

From having “no redeeming social value” to being a “strategic partner” of the United States. That’s how far Saudi Arabia has come in President Joe Biden’s eyes since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine saw oil prices soaring to eight-year highs.

Relations between Saudi Arabia and the US have deteriorated significantly since Biden replaced Donald Trump in the Oval Office. But that’s changing now as Biden makes his first visit to the kingdom as President this week and is likely to rub shoulders with the Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS).

Both former presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump were ridiculed for bowing to the Saudi king during trips to the kingdom. Trump even made history by picking Saudi Arabia for his first presidential visit, which was characterized by sword dances, glowing orbs and pomp.

Biden is keen to save face by carefully choreographing the optics. In stark contrast to his predecessors, he isn’t even going to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, opting instead to hold a multilateral summit with regional leaders in the Red Sea city of Jeddah. The message is clear: This isn’t a state visit.

Both sides are going to spin the trip for their own political advantage, but the body language, handshakes and public statements will be most telling.

To get a real sense of where relations stand, here’s what to watch out for:

A call for Saudi Arabia to pump more oil

Faced with high gas prices and inflation that’s rising at the fastest pace since 1981, Biden needs to sell his trip domestically as being in the interest of the American public. The White House has said the visit would be “delivering results for the American people.”

But the administration is also keen to dispel the notion that Biden is going to Saudi Arabia hat-in-hand for more oil. Energy will be discussed given that Saudi Arabia is the chair of the OPEC oil cartel and its largest exporter, the White House has said, but that won’t be the primary purpose of the trip. The administration will convey its “general view” that there needs to be “adequate supply in the global market,” White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said on Monday.

Gulf Arab oil producers, led by Saudi Arabia, have been insisting that there’s no shortage of oil supply on the global market, and have opted to stick to OPEC’s alliance with Russia to control output.

  • Watch out for: Biden publicly calling for more oil production; Saudis saying the market needs more oil; Saudi comments on the future of OPEC’s alliance with Russia.

Acknowledgment of MBS’ leadership

Less than a month into his presidency, the White House said Biden would interact with Saudi Arabia on the head-of-state level, as the relationship with the kingdom would be “recalibrated.” The message was that MBS – the de facto ruler of the kingdom – would be shunned and dealings would only be with the king.

As recently as last month, the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said the President’s position on Saudi Arabia “still stands,” responding to a reporter’s question on whether Biden considers the kingdom to be a “pariah.”

But that could be about to change. The Biden administration says it plans to “reset” its relationship with Riyadh, and that the President’s meetings with Saudi officials will “include” MBS. But the White House has been vague on whether Biden and MBS will have a one-on-one meeting, or even if they’ll shake hands.

  • Watch out for: A public handshake between Biden and MBS, or a photo-op; Biden directly addressing MBS as a leader of Saudi Arabia; a one-on-one meeting between the two.

Commitment to Saudi security

Saudi Arabia has been frustrated by what it sees as the US’ waning interest in its security – but that view predates the Biden presidency. When Saudi oil facilities were bombed in a 2019 attack the Trump administration blamed on Iran, the US chose not to act, despite the event leading to the biggest jump in oil prices on record.

Saudi Arabia has also begun strengthening its military ties with Washington’s foe, China, a move that has raised eyebrows in Congress.

But the US has stepped up its rhetoric in support of Gulf security of late. It has however maintained a ban on the sale of offensive weapons to the kingdom since February last year due to its war in Yemen, but there’s a truce in place in Yemen now, and the US has praised Saudi efforts to achieve it.

US officials have told CNN that Saudi Arabia is seeking a viable strategy to deal with Iran as well as US security commitments should nuclear talks with Tehran fail. And Israel has said that it is working with regional partners to build a US-led Middle East air defense alliance. It’s not clear which other countries will be involved.

Biden is also expected to make a “major statement” on the administration’s strategy for the Middle East, Sullivan said on Monday.

  • Watch out for: The US overturning the ban on the sale of offensive weapons; a new strategy to protect Gulf states from Iran; an official announcement of a US-led Middle East air defense alliance.

Saudi-Israel relations

US officials have told CNN that relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia, who don’t have official diplomatic relations, are steadily improving and that discussions are underway to expand Israeli commercial planes’ access to Saudi airspace.

Last month Israel’s then-Foreign Minister Yair Lapid told a news conference that Israel expects Biden’s visit will bring some small steps toward closer ties between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Biden himself has his administration is working to “deepen and expand” normalization between Israel and Arab nations.

MBS has made it clear he doesn’t view Israel as an enemy, but rather as a “potential ally, with many interests that we can pursue together,” according to state media.

  • Watch out for: Statements from Biden or Saudi Arabia on potential relations with Israel, Israeli overflights or economic cooperation between Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Human rights and the Yemen war

A senior US official told CNN that the administration needs to “move past” the murder of Jamal Khashoggi “for the sake of achieving peace and stability in the Middle East.”

US sources have told CNN that the President nonetheless plans to raise the Khashoggi murder directly with MBS. On Monday, Sullivan said Biden’s human rights agenda “will be on display” during his trip.

The Biden administration had also been frustrated at the lack of significant progress in the Yemen war and the humanitarian disaster it has caused, but it has been working with Saudi Arabia to extend a ceasefire in the country.

The digest

Putin announces trip to Iran

Russian President Vladimir Putin will travel to Tehran on July 19, the Kremlin said on Tuesday, and will hold talks with Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

  • Background: “President Putin’s trip to Tehran is being prepared. There will be a meeting of the heads of guarantor states of the Astana process, a process to promote Syrian regulation,” Putin’s spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday. “Putin, [Raisi] and Erdogan will hold a meeting,” Peskov said, adding that, in addition to the trilateral meeting, there will also be a bilateral meeting between Putin and Erdogan.
  • Why it matters: As Western sanctions clamp down on Russia to cripple its war effort in Ukraine, alliances with other US-sanctioned states are on the rise. A member of NATO, Turkey has refused to sanction Russia and has tried to play a mediating role in its conflict with Ukraine. Iran, on the other hand, has been highlighting its close friendship with Russia, with the White House on Monday saying that Iran is preparing to supply Russian forces with drones and training.

Iran to supply Russia with weapons-capable drones, White House says

The US has information indicating that Iran is preparing to supply Russia with “several hundred” drones – including weapons-capable drones – and begin training Russian forces on how to operate them as early as this late July, National security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters on Monday. When asked about the accusations during a conference call with journalists on Wednesday, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Russian Presidency had “no comments on this matter.” Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said on Tuesday there are “no new developments” regarding Iran’s supply of “modern technologies” to Russia.

  • Background: Sullivan told reporters at the White House news briefing as the war on Ukraine has continued, Russia has incurred “severe costs” on the battlefield, with efforts to establish territory in the east “coming at a cost to the sustainment of its own weapons.”
  • Why it matters: Iran’s armed proxies in Yemen have previously launched drone attacks on oil-giants Saudi Arabia and the UAE, who have expressed concerns, along with Israel, over an emboldened Iran following the signing of a renewed nuclear deal. Sullivan told reporters that “this is just one example of how Russia is looking to countries like Iran for capabilities that … have been used before we got the ceasefire in place in Yemen to attack Saudi Arabia.”

Click here to watch Becky Anderson’s interview with expert Aniseh Bassiri Tabrizi on Iran’s drones.

US, Israel to sign “Jerusalem Declaration” during Biden visit, Israel says

The US and Israel will release a joint memorandum of understanding during President Joe Biden’s visit in Jerusalem this week that will serve as a “blueprint” for the bilateral relationship over the next few years, senior Israeli officials told reporters on Tuesday. Dubbed the “Jerusalem Declaration,” it will highlight areas of joint interest and concern among the two countries, the officials said, with Iran being foremost among those concerns.

  • Background: The potential declaration would come as Biden makes his debut trip to the Middle East as President, which will see him meet with Israeli and Palestinian leaders before traveling to Saudi Arabia. Prospects for peace between the Israelis and Palestinians aren’t high on the administration’s agenda but Biden instead plans to focus on expanding and deepening Israel’s ties to Arab states.
  • Why it matters: The document will also make clear the United States’ readiness to promote further normalization of ties between Israel and Arab countries. A senior Israeli official said Saudi Arabia is an integral part of the “transformation of the Middle East,” adding that Biden’s trip will be the first steps toward normalizing ties between Israel and the Kingdom.

What to watch

More than 20 million tons of grain are stuck in Ukraine, as food exports face major disruptions amid Russia’s war on its neighbor. Tunisia gets about 60% of its soft wheat from Ukraine and Russia, and is bracing for further shortages.

“It is about daily survival, and when the people are hungry, they rebel,” locals tell CNN’s David McKenzie. Watch the report here:

Lebanon: #MyriamFares

Twitter in Lebanon was flooded with posts about famed singer Myriam Fares, whose song “Goumi” has amassed a whopping 8.4 billion views on TikTok as of this week, according to the social media company.

The song “Goumi” (get up and dance) was released in 2018, but it achieved global fame when the #GoumiGoumi dance challenge went viral on TikTok in recent weeks.

Sung in the Gulf Arabic dialect, the song has become a massive hit, with social media users taking up the dance challenge to show off their moves on camera.

More than 6 million TikTok users have made mashups of her song, showing themselves dancing to the popular tune, said TikTok.

“The number of views of Myriam Fares exceeds the population of the globe,” tweeted the 30-year-old Lebanese singer. Fares does not have a TikTok account of her own.

Photo of the day

A free-diver swims with jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea off the shore of Lebanon's northern coastal city of Tripoli on July 12. Experts have said that the invasive jellyfish species "Rhopilema Nomadica" has been entering the sea through the Suez Canal from the 1970s onwards but more have entered with the Canal's expansion. The species is becoming a threat to the Mediterranean ecosystem, scientists have warned.