
The fridge is the true workhorse of the kitchen — and many of us neglect it. Improper use and lack of care can lead to messes, wasted energy and even foodborne illnesses. While each fridge is a little different, here are some?universal?do’s and don’ts?to?keep your fridge (and the food inside it!) in tip-top shape.

Do Take Your Fridge’s Temperature


Keep the fridge set at a chilly 40 degrees F or below to slow harmful bacteria growth and keep your dinner leftovers safe to eat. Set the freezer at a steady 0 degrees F — cold enough to keep your ice cream frozen, but not so cold that it drains energy.

Do Clean and Inspect the Door Seals Once a Month


If your fridge doors don’t seal properly, cold air can escape, which makes it?harder for your fridge to keep its cool.?A faulty seal on the freezer can lead to?unwanted?frosty buildup — think freezer burn on your ice cream?and frozen burritos.?Clean the seals with warm soapy water to stop any debris or food spills from from blocking the seal.?If the seal is cracked or broken, it’s time to buy a new?seal.

Don’t Store Highly Perishable Items in the Door

The door, which gets a good workout?opening and closing, is the warmest place in the fridge — so you don’t want to put items like milk and eggs there. Keep them on a shelf instead.

Do Separate Some Produce in Different Bins


One bad apple really?can?spoil the?whole?bunch.?Some fruits, like apples, bananas, avocados and melons,?emit?ethylene,?a ripening gas that?causes?premature spoilage?in neighboring produce.?Keep?offending?fruit?away from sensitive greens (which will wilt with exposure) in a separate bin set to low humidity. The open vent will let some of the gas escape and help items last longer.

Do Toss Leftovers in a Timely Fashion

Is last week’s take-out OK to eat? How about yesterday’s pasta? A general rule of thumb from the USDA: After the fourth day, throw it away.

Don’t Use Harsh Chemical Cleaners


Remember, this is where?you keep your food! Choose non-toxic green cleaners or mix a little water with some?baking soda or?white vinegar and scrub away.?Once a?season, roll up your sleeves, remove all of the food from your fridge and do a deep clean.

Don’t Waste Space By Storing the Wrong Stuff

Hot sauce, nut butters,?coffee beans?and other items that are commonly kept in the fridge don’t require refrigeration and do just fine —?better?even — in the pantry.

Do Clean the Condenser Coils Twice a Year


Out of sight, out of mind??Think again.?Dusty?coils?can keep?your?fridge?from running?efficiently?and?cooling?food properly.?If the coils are on the back,?pull the fridge from the wall; if the coils are on the bottom,?simply?snap off the kick plate. Just be sure to unplug the fridge first (so you don’t?get?shocked!). Use a coil brush (available at the hardware?store) to knock off dust, then vacuum?it up.