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A weekend city break is the perfect opportunity to recharge – a chance to escape the everyday for 48 hours of exploring.

But where should you go to get the most out of your whirlwind adventure?

A new study by online weekend getaway app weekenGO rounds up the 100 best cities for vacationers of all ages and sensibilities.

It takes into account time spent stuck in traffic, availability of accommodation, equality, safety and walkability – and has separate rankings for millennials, baby-boomers and families.

So which metropolis comes out on top?

GALLERY: Photos of the top 10 destinations

Cultural centers

For many city breakers, it's London calling.

Thanks to its array of concerts, stellar theater selection and world-class galleries, London is ranked as the best overall weekend break destination.

The UK capital’s lively cultural scene also helped it nab second place in the study’s ranking for the traveling millennial, which assessed destinations for LGBT-friendliness and safety for women.

Other cities deemed great for young travelers include party cities Berlin (1st for millennials) and Amsterdam (3rd for millennials) – and cultural hotspots Toronto (6th) and Edinburgh (10th).

Don't miss opera in Vienna.

Meanwhile, those traveling with children might want to scout out Vienna – which topped the list of top cities for families. The Austrian capital, known for its baroque architecture and musical heritage, also got points for its green spaces and safe atmosphere.

As for baby-boomers, Zurich is recommended. The Swiss city is known for its high quality of life was awarded a security rating of 100.

From bars to beaches

The study ranks Rio de Janeiro as best for bars.

Weekend breakers have different priorities – for many travelers, the cuisine and bar scene is important, so weekenGO analyzed city records to ascertain the numbers of bars and clubs per city.

Rio de Janeiro (49th overall) ranks top for the best bars, whilst Shanghai (55th) is number one for clubs.

Walkability was also measured via Google Maps as many city breakers travel by plane or train and reliance on rented cars or taxis isn’t always ideal.

Graz, in Austria, was ranked the most walkable weekend break destination.

The most walkable weekend break destinations include Graz, Austria – a World Cultural Heritage Site known for its universities and red-roofed buildings. Other easily accessible cities include the Spain’s Bilbao (3rd for walkability) and Luxembourg (12th).

Refreshingly, not all the results are “traditional” weekend break destinations – something Tobias Boese, co-founder and managing director of weekenGO, also acknowledges.

New York is a classic weekend break destination.

“Given the fact that we looked at over 1,000 cities worldwide, every destination that made it to this top 100 ranking ought to be on your weekend getaway bucket list,” commented Boese in a statement.

“Cities at the top of the ranking such as London, Paris and New York are iconic for a reason, but those cities at the bottom of the ranking such as Casablanca and Belgrade still have a great deal to offer for an unforgettable weekend trip.”

10 best cities to spend the weekend

1. London

2. Berlin

3. Vienna

4. Hamburg

5. Paris

6. Amsterdam

7. New York City

8. Munich

9. Barcelona

10. Madrid