Archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered the tomb of Batah-M-Woya, who was chief treasurer in the time of King Ramses II.
The tomb is located in Saqqara, a huge necropolis south of Cairo, according to a statement from Egypt’s Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities published Saturday.
Saqqara has been the site of a string of astonishing finds in recent years, and this latest discovery is the work of a team of archaeologists from Cairo University.

In addition to the tomb of the former treasurer, the team also uncovered the tombs of a number of dignitaries, including a military leader called Hor Mohib.
Sometimes known as Ramses the Great, Ramses II ruled Egypt from 1279 to 1213 BC, the second-longest reign in Egyptian history.

Around 20 miles south of Cairo, the vast burial ground of Saqqara once served the royal capital of Memphis, and the site is also home to Egypt’s oldest surviving pyramid.
In January, authorities announced the discovery of a cache of ancient burial shafts containing hundreds of wooden coffins.