If President Jóhannesson had it his way this pizza would be illegal.

Story highlights

Though heavily debated, pineapple remains one of the most popular pizza toppings

Despite its name, Hawaiian pizza was actually invented in Canada

CNN  — 

The food world is riddled with heated debates, and one of the most polarizing fights centers around pineapple on pizza.

This week Iceland’s President Gueni Th. Jóhannesson let us know where he stands.

After taking questions from students at a high school in North Iceland, one bold pupil asked Johannesson what he thought about pineapple as a pizza topping.

The president held nothing back expressing his disdain for the pairing. He also said if he had the power to pass laws, he’d ban it across the land, the local news site Visir reported.

As expected, Twitter lit up:

Though most of Twitter rallied around the ban, there were a few outspoken opponents who stood up for the topping.

Of course, DiGiorno Pizza wasn’t about to sit this one out.

While this may not be the most controversial ban floating around politics, it wouldn’t be surprising if a “Hawaiian pizza lovers” rally popped up in the near future.