CNN Site Map for Section Europe (Galleries) for June - 2014
- 2014-06-26El Zoológico de D?hlh?lzli sacrificó a un osezno que estaba bajo amenaza de su padre. Según un comunicado de prensa, el zoológico inicialmente decidió no interferir con el comportamiento "natural" de los osos.
- 2014-06-26The Dahlholzli Zoo in the Swiss city of Bern has caused a public outcry by killing a healthy baby brown bear because it was being bullied by its father and neglected by its mother. The zoo has said it will stuff and display it to teach children that "
- 2014-06-19Spain's newly crowned King Felipe VI, third from left, poses with family members on the balcony of the royal palace after a swearing-in ceremony Thursday, June 19, in Madrid. To the far left is his father, Juan Carlos, who abdicated after a 39-year r
- 2014-06-19Esta es la nueva familia real espa?ola, de izquierda a derecha: Leonor, princesa de Asturias, el rey Felipe VI, la reina Letizia y la infanta Sofia.
- 2014-06-18Instalación "320o Licht", que llenaba el que una vez fue un tanque de gasolina de 112 metros de altura, el Gasometer Oberhausen.
- 2014-06-18"320° Licht" - Installation at the Oberhausen Gasometer from Urbanscreen collective.
- 2014-06-09Una sección de la reja del Pont des Arts en París colapsó el domingo, por lo que el puente tuvo que ser cerrado unos momentos. La reja estaba llena de candados que ponen parejas de enamorados.
- 2014-06-06World War II reenactors walk along Omaha Beach near Vierville-sur-Mer, France, on Friday, June 6, the 70th anniversary of D-Day.
- 2014-06-05G.I. Tony Vaccaro carried a camera as well as a gun when he landed in Normandy in June 1944, as part of the Allied Invasion Force.
- 2014-06-04Esta imagen viene de una serie inédita sobre la corista Rosemary Williams. "Ves que como fotógrafo se aísla a si mismo", dice Ortner-Kreil. "Lleva puesto un traje y se ve bastante serio. Sostiene su cámara aquí para hacer contacto visual co
- 2014-06-03Long before he became a renowned filmmaker, Stanley Kubrick was a wunderkind of photography. In 1945, at the age of 17, he started shooting photo essays for Look, one of America's highest-circulation general interest magazines. Over five years he com
- 2014-06-02Cientos se manifestaron en Madrid para pedir un referéndum sobre la continuidad o no de la monarquía.
- 2014-06-02Madeleine McCann was a few weeks shy of her fourth birthday when she went missing May 3, 2007, at her family's holiday apartment in Praia de Luz, Portugal. London's Metropolitan Police continues to investigate leads in her disappearance.